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Date Created 2003. Date Modified: 01/20/2025
Site By Kamran Naqvi (Amrohi). Chairman Global DNA Authority "Earth".
All Rights Reserved.
"Certain facts have been distorted in this site for security reasons and to minimize negative impact. Please make sure I, Kamran Naqvi, is the only one. I have no representatives yet, hopefully, over time more people will be added. All interactions related to V2K Aliens matters and related to technology must be directed to me. There is a third party involved and must handle matters in certain ways. There is a weather reversal up coming which is our default weather system. This is not the same as "Breaking of Sun's Kiran waves".
Arguments Highlights. (New Additions In Italics)
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Quantum Eyes. Look for Life by locating Eyes using Quantum Mechanics.
Quantum Mechanics, to induce voices and emotions, capture thoughts, and visions through "Eyes".
Remember any condition is better known then unknown.
No seek and destroy, viewing first, then approach.
1) Increase in Earth's wobble.
2) Increase in Earth's tilt.
3) Decrease in Earth's spin.
4) Increase or Decrease Moon Wobble.
5) Temper with our Ocean or Air Currents.
(Read In Arguments).
Put your resources on finding them, and contact me once the object is positively identified as made by intelligence. There must be cuts, Maybe other cuts here and there. There must be eyes inside. There must be gasses (O2, H2, N2 maybe others) around it. Also, the "Quantum Eyes Communication" is also the Non Photonic version of Quantum Communication. This is what will drive our cell phone, TV Networks, Internet, Universal Ship & Probe Communication.
The bigger the "Quantum Eyes" the better it is, the more the scope. One can also see the quantum signature of practically all elements spread out to very far distance.
Work on this solution, this is a matter of emergency that affects us all. Once, found and solutions imposed, governments will make money compensations.
Some of my work have been slightly altered to make sure a home grown person wont work on those solutions, as V2K Aliens may be attempting to make someone work on them, for a purpose. All credits will be distribute accordingly.
V2K Alien's & Their Ship.
Important Points:
1) Less then a Mile in diameter?
2) In Earth's habitable zone? Up to the distance of Cruithne?
3) Cloud of Hydrogen or Oxygen around the Object? Stranger Then Other Objects.
4) May have a Rotation? (Gravity is Quantum Or Centrifugal?)
5) They "will not" give us their device as their life support is in it.
Their orbit possibly the orbit of Earth, trailing ahead or behind of Earth. Very much possible to be within the habitable zone of Earth. Why habitable zone? Since it will take less energy to keep warm, and harness Hydrogen, from sun, to power other internal systems. Maybe round or similar shape. Size maybe up to 1 mile in diameter. The revolve of the Ship should be enough to create a gravity of Around 12. Why? This is an assumption that their planet is bigger then ours. Most habitable zone planets around earth, within manageable distance are bigger planets. The revolve must be nearly constant. Also, my guess is Gravity is not Quantum, as Quantum Gravity will be generated by a computer, and may have adverse affects due to a computer glitch or a malfunction. I have made the assumption, their must be a rotational movement. Their distance maybe the same distance as Cruithne. Why? V2K Works best at a distance of less then 0.1 Seconds Delay. It could be behind us or in front of us. That is around what I have figured out over years. There maybe a trail of "Hydrogen" or "Oxygen" around it for intake. At best this object would be "Strange" compared to other objects. If one look for Hydrogen or Oxygen in large quantities, within and outside, you have found them.
(Please read arguments regarding a better ship design).
After a careful examination of best way to travel in space, I have designed a spaceship and is the best way to take us out of this world and into others. (
This site is designated to make awareness towards voice to skull or mind control, that i think is done by Aliens who's ship maybe built out of an asteroid. Remember any condition is better known then unknown. Knowledge is power, knowledge and awareness is what is needed to make any change. I firmly think they are responsible for religions, and use religions to force control over us. I think they are responsible for organized religions, and have been around for the past 12000 to 10000 years. They are propagating coronavirus and other ways as means to reduce population. However, we have immunities that are working in our favor. In other words they have launched biological warfare on us. They are not capable of making any viruses, but they can spread an existing one. Their objectives seems to following,
1) Reduce population.
2)Destabilize Society With Crime & Disease.
Refer to "Arguments" "Methods".
Regardless of how long they have been here, this is our planet. We are the natural flora. The argument goes, if someone breaks into a home, and the home owners are not present, this does not mean that the home belongs to the thieves who have broken in. We were in our infancy, that is the same as not being at home.
Religion is very bad for selection. Selection is through niches that we live in. Our intellectual development depends on how many niches we have passed through and have spent time in. This development occurs when modern tools are not present. Religion is specially bad, as it gives selective advantage based on religious affiliation, rather then intellect and physical development. Put it this way, Religion is cancer of a society, and alters selection in a very bad manner. It distributes tools based on religious identity rather then merits and makes selection to go in a negative direction.
Also, during the course of their senseless endeavor, they tend to have used humans, that are week emotionally, as v2k works better on them. in this manner they have increased our crime rate. This can only be fixed up by stopping the use of v2k. However, all technologies have good and bad use, this one have more good, then bad.
There is also a mater of time limitation in selection. A time comes in planetary development when society reaches certain stage, when tools are available, the DNA needs to be maintained, or negative selection will weaken DNA. Please read "Human Selection". Mind control is even worse. Therefore, the very place "Brain" where free thoughts should evolve, is now in someone else hands. This affects neural development in a very negative manner. The very essence of creation is the human brain, that leads to selection and hence that leads to neural growth. We should only think in terms of earth best genome, not in terms of different people. Put it this way, my objective is to make sure I do sufficient efforts to get our consciousness out of this world and move in all directions so we can last forever. Another important thing are niches. Once people begin to migrate from origins, then go from one niche to another, hence, facing new obstacles on there way. This works even better if the up coming niche is more difficult then the current. Most niches change through a gradient, for instance, going from desert niche to ice niche is through a gradient where the climate changes gradually. Now imagine people in prehistoric time passing very slowly from desert to ice niche, on the way they go through DNA changes, that takes a very long time to incorporate. What v2k aliens did, they moved certain people from one niche to another at a very fast pace hence limiting time for the DNA to grow, distributing tools earlier makes it even worst. Put it this way they have deprived a lot of people of neural and intellectual development by about 10000 years, except for European selection, that got pressured due to influx of people and distribution of tools that they already had built, like swords and several more of importance. Pressure drives selection, ease destroys it. Another thing that can happen by moving people from niche to niche at a faster pace, is to insert genes at inappropriate locations, not leaving room for new DNA segments to incorporate at a later time. But this is not much of an issue, as long as there is a master copy of the genome that have the proper sequence. In more simple manner life became easy for some and difficult for others. However, this difficulty is unnatural and did not made a huge impact on European population. Since, Europeans were there first to enter a difficult niche as "icy mountains", they had already gone through selective refinements prior to arrival of v2k aliens.
More so recently they have increased their tactics to spread diseases.
They may attempt to put their wrong tactics on selection, claiming that it is good for your selection. That is complete nonsense, nice excuse for a clean get away. I don't think any of there tactics will work, as they are pretty low in numbers.
Also, any artificial manipulation of the system will lead to negative selection, as the person being selected is not on his or her own, but through a 3rd entity and they have no way to know what DNA they have or expect which mutations will arrive in which person. One cannot tell about a person's DNA just by looking at physical features or behavior. Specially bad is trying to modify behavior temporarily using v2k. Which means what makes humans is our interaction with the niche, the decision have to be personal decision. Religion is specially disastrous as it takes away fear of death. Fear of death is what that pushes us to better ourselves and make tools to make our lives safe, and in turn grow our brains.
Quantum entanglement is the process by which two particles entangle with each other from a great distance at a very fast speed. The current speed of entanglement is determined to be "quantum entanglement transfers information at around 3-trillion meters per second – or four orders of magnitude faster than light" Credits.
Quantum Speed: Prof. Juan Yin and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai.
Quantum Network Using Photon: Harvard Quantum Network.
Chinese Quantum Network.
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics.
Delft University of Technology.
DARPA Quantum Network. (2003)
Although similar to Quantum Eye Communication, is not the same. The one explained is without the use of photon. No properties of communication link were found on internet. This is what I call a synthetic Kiran Wave. Request Objective Paper by e-mailing me at
Quantum Eye Communication:
Request Objective Paper by e-mailing me at
Kamran Naqvi (Amrohi). (2006)
Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen introduced the concept of quantum entanglement in their 1935 paper.
“Quantum Attraction & Quantum Repulsion”
“Quantum Gravity” are two different entities. Quantum attraction is through Kiran Waves. Quantum Gravity is also a wave function as defined by Matvei Bronstein 1935.
Kamran Naqvi
1) Quantum Attraction & Quantum Repulsion (2006)
2) Eye as a source of Quantum Communication (2006)
3) Balkans InterGalactic (2016)
4) Food Production through body digestion (2016)
5) Human Selection (2008)
6) Functionality of a Kiran Wave (Quantum Link) (2006)
7) Denaturation of Cryptochrome Protein as defense (2006)
"Quantum Eyes Communication".
Kiran Of Heat:
A “Kiran” of heat is defined as a particle of heat. A Kiran Of Heat is not the regular heat it is an entity on its own. A “Kiran Wave” is a “Quantum Wave” made out of Kirans combined into a wave function. Kiran Waves are formed from “Quantum Eyes”. These waves are visible to “Eyes”. “Kiran Waves” are semi transparent, they appear better if looking “cross eyed” onto a white surface with white light from behind falling on the white background. Kiran Waves can attach to matter and can be made to apply oscillating force. Kiran Wave attachment is usually with “Metals” and “may” detach upon movement.
Good and bad uses of Kiran Waves,
Bad Uses,
1) V2K.
2) Oscillating force to cause Earth Quakes.
3) Attachment of two celestial objects or non celestial objects to exert force on each other.
Good Uses,
1) Heat transfer to distant spaces from Sun.
2) Heat & Quantum Attraction for space travel close to Kiran Waves Source.
3) Synthetic Kiran Waves for long term space living.
4) Diagnostic tool to determine disorders.
5) Central indoor / outdoor temperature control.
6) Removal of smog from atmosphere.
7) Containment of Radiation.
Kiran Waves were possibly part of very early life communication before the evolution of “Eyes”. There are not enough “Kiran Waves” produced by Sun to connect to each “Eyes” for migration purpose. Put it this way, there are more “Eyes” in the world then Kiran Waves. So only a fraction of “Eyes” connect at any given time, so collectively they seems to be doing no regular purpose if not controlled. Same seems to be true for vegetation. If you cut a Kiran Wave, it will grow again from point of origin, as long as the precursor for “Kiran Waves” is present. A good scientist will know the precursor. At this point, monitoring poles is very important and cutting or softening “Kiran Waves” at poles is very very important. Locate the V2K Alien’s “Quantum Eyes” and attempt to soften or destroy their “Kiran Waves”.
One should be able to reduce power of Kiran Waves or break them if needed. They are not part of gravity, and can be used to do harm. Kiran waves are formed using possibly Iron If one is seen connected to, specially polar regions, they can and should be reduced in power, or broken. Do your lab work and figure out a way. This matter is urgent, as V2K Aliens can use Polar Regions and try to tilt us over. The Radical Electrons in Eyes interact with Magnetic field to give direction to the birds, Kiran Waves seems to be playing no role in insect population or migratory routes. Do the lab work prior, for confirmation. Act as quickly as possible.
“Quantum Attraction” and “Quantum Gravity” are two different entities. One have no impact on the other. Quantum Gravity is natural between objects, and depends on the mass of the object.
Quantum Gravity is also a wave function as defined by Matvei Bronstein 1935.
Possible Solutions:
All solutions of V2K breakage must be applied at random using a timer. As V2K Aliens maybe present in a lab and break them themselves, and give false readings. They can work with small scopes and break the Kiran Waves themselves. One of objective is to determine their kiran waves and attempt to break them.
1) Quantum De Tanglement. Means to detangle eyes by using another source to entangle the eyes this should break the current entanglement. This could be based on photons or other direct means of entanglement. (Consult a professional first) Read More In Arguments
(Disruption Of Quantum Entanglement Of The Eyes To Eliminate Quantum Affects)
2) Use Of Medicine. Medicine can be used to denature cryptochrome protein complex so it will loose its radicle electrons.(Consult a professional first). A medicine will be made and tested first, prior to use. What will happen as side effect would be slight loss in cense of direction. Humans have not much use for it, birds do.
3) DNA Alteration. This would be done at the time of conception.
4) Observe The Eyes. Observation in quantum physics changes the wave function to particle function. This may break current entanglement. (Observation is done using specialized equipment. Its not an ordinary camera).
5) Observe The Source Of V2K. By observing the source of V2K, again the wave function will change to particle, this should disable the V2K source.
6) Small Strength Magnetic Field. A small strength magnetic field should disrupt the entanglement too. Around "Eyes".
7) Entangling the V2K Source. (Quantum Eyes) This will work too. If the Scope of Quantum Eyes is big enough, it will engulf V2K Alien's Quantum Eyes and should render it useless.
I am very restrictive money wise to test any of the above. If anyone have success then please e-mail at
Genetics To Know
In evolution male plays a very important role, as male is the one that faces most of the selection pressures. Please verify this through reading about genetics.
Please refer to Human Selection Segment in Arguments. Also refer to
Good & Bad Of V2K Technology
There are good and bad in all technologies, V2K is not an exception.
Good Use Of V2K
1) Good Medical diagnostic tool.
We can determine, if different parts of body is reporting pain to the brain. Better diagnostics can be made to the exact nature of illness. Monitoring of people critically ill.
2) People tracking tool.
Track and locate elderly, or missing children. Better recognition tool. Example, no need for a passport for travel. Caution: Non privacy invasive only. There are very bad affects of trying to alter society using artificial emotions. This is best done by natural selection.
3) Criminal Tracking.
Tracking of people on parole, for example. Again, there is a caution, if this is used as thought listening tool, to solve crime, one may end up hearing a person's fantasy. And wrongly accuse someone of a crime they have not committed. Old fashioned detective work have to be coupled with this tool, means match with evidence. Remember Aghata Christi? Murder She Wrote? Its part of human mind creativity. Have to leave that alone, or we are walking back in time.
Need less to say, v2k Aliens did non of the above. From the time they came about 10,000 years ago, they kept introducing tools from then most mature society "Europeans" to others, therefore freezing there intellectual development. That is why we are seeing tent cities after tent cities popping up all over the world. Don't worry DNA is the way out. Or leaving a society to fend for itself. Then perhaps over a long period of time a male will arrive with better DNA segments.
Bad Use Of V2K
1) Emotional control of society.
This one is a big no. As this will bring out artificiality in society. The society that is built will not be stable. Leave emotions, and other neural function growth to evolution. It does it best and does so permanently. Evolution is a long process and depends on how a person have passed through niches.(segments on lands, starting from Africa to which ever part of the world). Our interaction with niches is what that builds us over a very long period of time. What v2k aliens did, they introduced tools to all societies from the one who traveled most distance over most time to those who have not travelled most distance over most time. In our case its the original Europeans to others prematurely and hence stopped there natural development much earlier then expected. All tools currently found are European in origins. The premature introduction into a society is not a good thing but very very bad in epic proportions. The only solution to this is DNA.
2) Listening to people's thoughts.
This is another big no. By doing so, we will but caps on freedom of thoughts. Yes, that will be so. Which means we will end up reducing our productivity. Learn how to control bad thoughts and implement the good ones. This is what that leads to our neural growth and leads to our mind stability over period of time. Remember selection have to work to make that happen. An important note here is, not to kill unfortunate people, but let nature take its course, make corrections over time.
3) Unwanted Sexual Arousal.
Yes, this is another one of those bad affects. We have to keep merits intact in reproduction. Bad use of this technology can lead to rapes. Needless to say our v2k Aliens have done a lot of that.
4) Social Unrest.
V2K can lead to nations propagating social unrest on each other, that can in turn lead to wars. V2K Aliens have played it out like a video game, making our society more violent, then it otherwise would have been.
So in light of all of the above and much more good and bad coming out of V2K, we will keep it, for productive uses only, and implement a protection scheme for masses, So any bad use can be prevented. We want to keep and use this good gift of nature, to our benefits and not against our growth. According to me, internally on Earth some bad affects of Quantum Mechanics way work up to 20 miles diameter, no more due to crossing magnetic fields (I am pretty sure, at different locations on earth, maybe longer distance, maybe less distance).
NOTE: All body effects & conditions listed below and in Science section can occur naturally too. Please consult a Doctor to make sure the condition is not from within. Most of their effects are limited to muscles and brain perception of pain.
"Eyes" & Cryptochrome Protein:
Recent studies have shown, that Cryptochrome protein in human eyes, and other animals, have a pair of electrons, that upon excitement by a photon, transfers a pair of electron from Cryptochrome, to FAD. Now Cryptochrome and FAD each have a pair of Radical electron, these are the ones that have the entangled spins, hence are now entangle. The changes in their spin determine type of reactions that will occur. I think that it is this pair that is entangled leading to V2K. Please make a note this is "not the same as Magnetoreception".
Quantum Entanglement On Earth.
V2K does not seems to work if both the objects are on earth. I think this is due to magnetic field interference. The object entangles then untangles after a very short duration of time. V2K is very stable if one object is outside the magnetic field of earth. At this point both objects the one on earth and the one outside the magnetic field can affect each other. However, V2K can have impact within 20 miles radius.
The first TI and person on Earth ever who determined it is "Eyes" that can transfer voices and other effects is me. That includes Quantum Communication both "Data" & "Non Data". This includes all properties as explained in "Objective Paper". Kiran Waves were determined a bit earlier. (2006)
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"Quantum Eyes Communication".
Kiran Of Heat:
A “Kiran” of heat is defined as a particle of heat. A “Kiran Wave” is a “Quantum Wave” made out of Kirans combined into a wave function. Kiran Waves are formed from “Quantum Eyes”. These waves are visible to “Eyes”. “Kiran Waves” are semi transparent, they appear better if looking “cross eyed” onto a white surface with white light from behind falling on the white background. Kiran Waves can attach to matter and can be made to apply oscillating force. Kiran Wave attachment is usually with “Metals” and “may” detach or soften upon movement.
Good and bad uses of Kiran Waves,
Bad Uses,
1) V2K.
2) Oscillating force to cause Earth Quakes.
3) Attachment of two celestial objects to exert force on each other.
Good includes the following,
1) Heat transfer to distant spaces from Sun.
2) Heat & Quantum Attraction for space travel close to Kiran Waves Source.
3) Synthetic Kiran Waves for long term space living.
One should be able to reduce power of Kiran Waves or break them if needed. They are not part of gravity, and can be used to do harm. Kiran waves are formed using possibly Iron If one is seen connected to, specially polar regions, they can and should be reduced in power, or broken. Do your lab work and figure out a way. This matter is urgent, as V2K Aliens can use Polar Regions and try to tilt us over. The Radical Electrons in Eyes interact with Magnetic field to give direction to the birds, Kiran Waves seems to be playing no role in insect population or migratory routes. Do the lab work prior, for confirmation. Act as quickly as possible.
ARCTIC SEA FLOOR (Maybe Kiran Waves)
ARCTIC SEA ICE HOLES (Maybe Kiran Waves)
ANTARCTIC SEA ICE HOLE (Maybe Kiran Waves, Check for vertical land movement on ocean floor.)
EARTHQUAKE LIGHTS (Only in those caused by Sun (Kiran Waves))
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