POSTED: (AROUND 2004) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Arguments are defined as thought processes, for example an argument may lead to a good outcome or an argument may lead to a bad outcome. An example of a miss leading argument will be "The shorter the life, the fewer sins a person will commit". This will be a misleading argument that a religious person may follow, and think about ending their life soon. If one is not sure about an argument, like the argument is leading to reduction of life or oneself and that of others, then put the argument aside until enough knowledge is available. You can also consult people regarding this argument who may have knowledge about that argument, try to discuss any argument with multiple people to get the best conclusion. Some of the arguments listed below are surely ridiculous. But never the less once joined with emotions take up a more real meaning. By trapping people into arguments, V2K Aliens tend to play with a persons emotions, and keep them confused, and frustrated. In that manner they make a person to do criminal things. Remember, arguments are generated by us, V2K can exploit by repeating them and adding emotions to them.
POSTED: (AROUND 2004) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Everything must be thought logically based on Matter (Atoms) and Energy. No imaginary conclusions, only logical conclusions, based on current technology. If you are not sure about something ask someone, if you are still not sure set argument aside to be visited later. Keep all conclusions based on Matter & Energy.
POSTED: (AROUND 2004) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Learn to think logically, not emotionally. I personally wrap my life around the following 4 points,
a) Our actions should be to increase our life and others. (Inventions, medicine, precautions, conflict resolution)
b) Our actions should be to make our life better and others. (Inventions, medicine)
c) Our actions should be to have children, and others can have too. Rules of Selection apply.
d) Go back to reason (a).
POSTED: (AROUND 2004) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Generally speaking, any condition, or any thing is better known, then kept a secret. One Argument that V2K emphasize on is that telling about this to anyone will make that person insane, and V2K will then go on that person, manipulating their thoughts. For example, telling this will cause human mind to get into confusion as to were the origination of thought is from, and may lead to mental disorder. This is not the case, they want to keep this to individual, as it gets better for them to manipulate this person in isolation and have that person commit crime. Frist 2 months of manipulation are the worst for everyone, by having a support group this person can get help and understand what is going on. Another objective of this site is to make awareness for our scientist, to look into this situation, and try to determine what might be causing it, and from where?
POSTED: (AROUND 2005) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Randomizing actions, to some extent, is good, as it bypass some of the manipulation tactics that they use. For example, in Apple App Store, there are several apps that can do that for you. Make sure to randomize using a true random event. What randomizing will do, if they have a situation planned out for you, then you will be able to bypass it, or make it difficult for them to form that situation. Randomize actions within minutes or at times seconds. For example, randomize leaving home within a couple of minutes. You can do this by using the flip a coin app, and flip it every minute or so. This will buy you some randomness and make it more difficult for the V2K Aliens. Remember they are dangerous, and do kill people by accidents, or become statistics of a crime. Randomizing reduces this chance. Also, keep yourself well known among the TI community, there is safety in numbers. Their manipulation becomes difficult if they put too much fear among the one they are manipulating. Mentioning this to others makes it ever more difficult. Take joint actions for each other. If they kill or harm any one, take appropriate actions by making more people aware and randomize actions. Life is a compromise, do what it takes for you and other humans to survive.
How do Randomizing Help?
It changes the scene, and alters thoughts. Randomness is by default present due to differences in our reaction and decision making times. Using randomness helps to enlarge that gap, and makes it difficult for V2K to make a match. For instance, lets say i am driving a Red 2002 Tundra, and stop at a signal, lets say another 2002 red tundra pretty close in looks also stops next to me, what are the changes of that happening? (The closer the looks, the more difficult task) Depends on how many red tundras are out there, How many people in close vicinity own one, and that day how many decisions were taken from leaving home to getting out to the signal. One would say fewer the decisions the better it is as each decision event is leading to some offset. The car would have missed me by seconds. Lets say both Me and Other live about same distance from the signal, or we can also say, that i live 1 mile from that signal, and other person is a visitor, to make a match at the signal, the point i left my house, and the point other is somewhere, have to be taking as fewer decisions as possible to reduce difference that occurs due to decision making and thought floating to other directions, it becomes difficult to grab attention and put the person back on track, although the length after each decision could be longer or shorter. For instance, if other was closer to the signal, then stopping over somewhere to do something to waist some time, so a match can occur. By putting randomness, what V2K person have to do is to fluctuate the decisions and time in between, in order to keep the match, with each fluctuation, v2k is now dealing with more decision making time and thought fluctuating in different direction. Therefore leading to more randomness. Therefore, difficult to achieve situations, like two look alike tundra to show up at signal gets difficult to achieve, as compared to more easy matches like just another tundra, any year any color. So randomness does help out but still limited. A good eye on surroundings, and avoiding dangerous situations is the best. There is another factor, to get a match, all actions of Mine and Other, must be pre planned, to get good chances of a match, another thing that randomness does is to accommodate for the delay, v2k person have to increase or decrease thought events, this can and in most cases will cause the thought of other to float in a different direction uncontrollably increasing or reducing match time. Remember, v2k is not full control, but partial, if put it in perspective, about 60% decisional influence over an unsuspecting or suspecting person. Other factors play too, like how a person deals with emotions. Very important to mention here is the fact, just like there are different reactions to, lets say alcohol, or caffine, there are variable affects on emotions under v2k. That does not make the person bad, that just shows that under v2k the reaction is more or less.
POSTED: (AROUND 2001) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
One more important thing to know is that they cannot tell us anything or any condition which is "New", as the voices are very low, and only those thoughts that are part of our memory gets manipulated. Those who are experiencing V2K, ask them to teach you Chinese or talk to you in language other then your own. They are a very faint voice, but they will try to convince that all thoughts in your mind are from them. In that manner they create more confusion. The purpose of this is to break the person's morality and take away there creativity, this argument, I think, is effective in the beginning when a person gets targeted, this leads to maximum confusion. If a person becomes aware at that time, then there is a chance of them getting a better control over themselves. V2K Aliens are sort of expert manipulators and have been doing this for a while.
POSTED: (AROUND 2004) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
They can make any person feel like they are being stalked. One gets the feeling that they are being watched all the times. This way they create fear, and anger, that, why are they being followed around. They can make other people act out what you are thinking. For example, it is possible that you may be thinking about hairs, and someone in the front starts to comb there hairs. This is just by Coincidence, as V2K Aliens are correlating actions among people in your surroundings. This thing will never end, in this way they make people go after each other for reading their thoughts and imitating them. Do not mind imitations, the other person involved, is not aware that he or she is imitating you. V2K Aliens can even correlate actions between actual law enforcement and you. Make sure, to take no offensive actions against law enforcement.
Law enforcement are not working this scheme out, V2K goes back to ancient times. We are still in our infancy to do this, as our technology is not there yet. V2K Aliens are trying to make a dent on this progress. Remember they are limited to our thoughts and emotions. They have no direct means to harm us. But, they can make us become a statistics of a crime, or accident. They are not very accurate, although, they make it look like it. They are based on our and other person's thoughts. Keep an eye out and keep safe, do not over do as that will lead to paranoia (Refer to Randomizing Actions). Remember, they manipulate everyone from time to time, Targeted Individuals are the ones that get V2Ked. For some reason they choose people in this manner. I think the reason is to get more correlated with that person so they can put a point across in a crowed. Since we are more aware of the arguments that they tend to capitalize on. In this respect was me, who was aware of people being different of different regions, and was aware of Semi Transparent Kiran Waves in eyes for a long time.
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
V2K is "not" from within us. We do not have the capability yet to do this. But, Aliens know one day we will, not too far in future. I think, they want to create an atmosphere so that we think its us doing V2K to ourselves, in this way they can create disturbance and attempt to take us back to religions. For example, they can make a law enforcement agency to think they are the ones doing this, by "he said she said". What this means is that they can make one person to say something that another person may interpret incorrectly even to the highest levels of "any" government. For example one person may say that there is new technology in use, the other person may think that this person means V2K. In this manner V2K Aliens will run the show as Trojans. They will be then in position to make big powers fight over misuse of V2K that they will think is being done by the other country. I personally think this is one of their objectives. Before long, countries will be blaming each other over its misuse.
Also, consider, what it takes to do voice to skull on a person? Lets see what we had since back in 1800s to accomplish this goal.
POSTED: (AROUND 2001) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
(Refer to arguments below the line)
According to me their prime objective is to enforce religion, as this gives them maximum control over situation. Religion needs illiteracy to propagate, and we have come a long way into science over a very short period of time. Religions are loosing strength and, hence, V2K Aliens are loosing control. Since, they have no direct means to enforce control or kill us, they are working through ideology to get the control back, and one way is to show that V2K is real and we are doing it to ourselves. Religion is like a cancer of a society as it stops selection. Please read "The Human Selection" argument below. Why are they controlling, primarily because they are a run away ship and have nothing else to do and no place to go. they are genetically weak and are not capable of going back to there own planet. Negative mutations are eating them alive. Another point is if their ship is open or is not pressurized they are life of the Sun.
POSTED: (AROUND 2001) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Eyewitness Records:
Eyewitness records are those that are made using v2k through a person's eyes. Another thing of importance is that all eyewitness records in their database will become available at some time in future once their ship is captured. All such records should be put under immunity for the following two reasons,
1) If videos are present, that means they are present, which means they are manipulating the person involved.
2) All such videos are made by an illegal entity not known to public, and without person's consent.
The following situation applies as well to reduce the crime incident under v2k control.
Remember, whatever we do under what ever control, we are the ones executing it, therefore, we are the ones responsible for it. V2K Aliens, may indicate that if you do something wrong, like harming someone, you are not actually responsible for it. Once the action is done, they will come and get you out of jail. Under no circumstances take this for real. V2K is not a total control, decision making is intact and one can tell between good and bad. Therefore, we are responsible for our own actions, no mater if we are a "TI" or just someone who gets manipulated and was not aware of it.
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Yes, pretty incredible. I came up with this approximate number after looking at world history, and seeing when organized religions started. We got out of last ice age roughly 10,000.00 years ago. I think they spent some time trying to learn languages then people whom they v2k at that time figured that they are responsible for them being here. Put it this way, since they were present, people gave birth to the idea of god that they propagated over time. However, i am sure they lack the capability to get out of their ship and go down to Earth. I think they do not have a shuttle for this purpose.
The reason why I think they are a run away ship, is because, their actions are haphazard, and seems to show they are at odds with each other. There seems to be several groups trying to propagate their own agenda. This makes this situation dangerous, as there is no real think tank or a single entity taking organized actions. However, their numbers seems to be low, as religion is pretty much self propagating as a explanation of what this world is. They seems to be just out there killing people, senselessly without any real reasons. Since, they are a foreign influence, they are putting a dent in our DNA. They have moved people in different developmental stage into regions that had tools, and have deprived them of their maturation. This lead to an increase in our crime rate that they capitalize on.
Secondly, the one "I" that came out in Europe is the earliest "I" and was not exactly like Most "I" as mentioned in
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Even though, V2K manipulates thoughts, it is not a complete takeover of thoughts. As a matter of fact, all thoughts are yours and they cannot tell you anything or even any condition new. This gives them a step behind us, also, it is difficult for them to accurately make a target to kill or harm someone, in best way they are about 2 percent accurate. Means there are changes that can occur in a plan, based on the executors thoughts. In other words it is difficult for them to specifically target someone. This factor gives us an edge and over time we have managed to break out of religion and begin to look around our surroundings, and started learning sciences, instead of accepting a creator created all of this. Therefore, religion plays a huge role in their control over us. Progress also depends on the number of people living and participating in science and technology. For example, to make a car, one needs all the design specs for that car, Like a mechanical engineer for engine, Architectural designer for design and so on. This only occurs once the society have achieved enough numbers to establish schools and colleges. Therefore our progress increased as our numbers increased. My another thought is that they totally missed quantum mechanics progress, as they are a run away ship with not too much access to the workings of their system. Put it this way they are barely maintaining the system and have managed to survive this long.
POSTED: (AROUND 2002) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Not to a whole lot of extent. Remember this is not a full control, therefore, instincts over ride thoughts and emotions. It is basically easier to control and manipulate humans, as compared to other animals, where thoughts and emotions are largely govern by impulses, like Hunger, Predation ETC. However, they can use insects or other animals too. Keep precautions on that side as well. Keep your surroundings well fumed to drive insects out. For most part, cities do not have snake issues. However, you can use a snake repellent that is sold in Home Depot, works really well. It is also helpful in driving other reptiles too.
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
1/2 the distance from our planet to another planet that have intelligent life in all directions, constitute our space and our matter. Probes will provide a security check point and our claim. (Visit for a better ship design for long term travel in space).
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
All individuals acquiring weapons, must resort to a training session every year. All persons must be background check for criminal history.
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
V2K is not a collective process, without the use of a device. Why one cannot make proper connections without the use of a V2K device.
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/11/2024
As easy as it may sound, This is a very daunting task. Imagine, you are inside of a building, with 100 people above you, 100 below, and 100 in all directions. To pinpoint a person in that crowed, will require a unique identifier, that uniquely identifies a person. What can that be? One way to resolve this issue is to physically see the person in a crowed, or anywhere for that matter, for example under water, inside of a cave or even compared to other animals (Since V2K works on other animals too, even as little as ants). To do this, we will require some sort of detector working at a close range to see the person pretty much like a camera would, or may be infrared detector. This will require the Perps to install detectors practically everywhere like caves, under water etc. Imagine this task at a global scale or very intricate interconnected cameras and detectors covering every little inches of earth. Better would be through satellites, but then you will have to be able to penetrate walls and other barriers to see a person. Which time frame does that puts v2k in? I would say not even now. Currently we are lagging many respects of it. A person is a rather big thing, imagine trying to pinpoint an ant within the confinements of walls or other barriers. Ants and other animals, to me, remove the possibility of microchips as we are way behind on that too. Now the person, or any entity, is entangled and can be tracked anywhere in the world or even at great distances, crossing pretty much any barrier. What time frame does that puts us in? Even currently, we are not even fully aware of how entanglement works, specially not before 1950s.
Be Able To Put Thoughts, Emotions, & Pains In A Person. In Short, Manipulate A Person's Nervous System.
This is another one of those daunting task, which sounds easy, but when seen closely lead to many obstacles. For instance, to stimulate any part of the brain, we have to somehow make the neurons to fire in a sequence. For example, read about how hearing works, or better watch a YouTube video about hearing process. All signals in the brain are carried out through neurons, all neurons are interconnected. Now let say, to make a person hear voices, we have to make the sensory neurons to trigger "action potentials". Also, the point of insertion must be a single point, like a sense organ.
POSTED: (AROUND 2006) MODIFIED: 11/11/2024
Refer to "Objective Paper" or request one by contacting me at or
POSTED: (2021) MODIFIED: 11/13/2024
The reason is simple, they are fugitives and there ship must be confiscated, but, must confiscated globally. Because in doing so, one entity may end up taking the blame for it. Lets say US takes it as an asset, they will end up taking the blame and if v2k is open, they may attempt that in other countries. They will be made as GDA "Earth" asset. In this way a big organization with many countries will take the possession.
POSTED: (2021) MODIFIED: 11/13/2024
From what i have gathered up till now about them is the following. Again, I am not fully sure but analysis of our situation and the distance between planets, I have make an assumption that their planet is not close by. The closet system with a planet in habitable zone is located in Alpha Centauri. I really doubt its that one, we have light data that shows more of a baron planet. I think they are further further away about 1200 light years away there are recently discovered habitable planets.
I am guessing 6 or so million years of travel before getting here. Tell me what type of idiot will travel all the way to a living planet where they simply cannot live due to no resistance to viruses? when there are many many habitable planets where intelligence can call his home? "The type of idiots who ran away with a ship". I think this ship or ships were part of a social order in their original planet that probably failed. They were probably pursued and in confusion took off, or were forced to leave so the original country wont take blame for it. One more reason why they took up earth, is that there navigation system showed us as a point in space. Why? The navigation should be dependent on Quantum connection. Light data is too slow to reach and is not accurate as the universe is constantly expanding. Therefore, this tool is very important to set a path in space. Put it this way, this ship(s) must only be fitted with Quantum Eyes based navigation to see the original planet and determine their course if they have to move close or away. So therefore, once they made the decision to abandon their position, the closest point they could find was earth to set a course. Also, it is also very possible that the quantum signature of their planet was simply hidden away from them, in other words their ship was disabled that looked at that planet, so they had no other choice but to move away towards earth. Not knowing their way back they reached here. (Trust me in quantum physics one can cause a signal to jam. Discuss with a physicist of this field) So in this case they are stuck here and cannot find their way back. Or if they leave they will have to set a course for yet another close by planet that have the Quantum Eyes signature, means have multi cellular life. I am very sure that the 2 electrons are used as the eye before the evolution of eye for early life to find its way using a planet's magnetic field. Therefore all planets with life should be giving out a quantum signature. One cannot block this signature, but can block the one looking at it.
POSTED: (2006) MODIFIED: 11/13/2024
I am of firm believe that the V2K Aliens do not live among us. They are doing this remotely, from somewhere in between Earth & Cruithne in Habitable zone. This distance is set due to the time it take for the quantum entanglement to work properly, in more accordance with our thoughts and surroundings. If we are to increase there distance, then the V2K will not work properly. I follow a simple rule, if a person looks like a human, then he or she is one. Although V2K Aliens do tend to capitalize over this argument, that the people around you are not humans, but Aliens, so do not trust them. I personally think Aliens would be very different looking then us, as the niche they live in is very different then us. They are mostly in high gravity environment. Their feeding habits should be different, so there mouths would be smaller, there are no farms out there. So the food should be more like a cocktail with all essential vitamins and proteins in it. Simply Chum, Digested human remains.
POSTED: (2006) MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
1) Evolutionary Mess:
Possible reason could be video game affect. They made the masses move and distributed tools to them at an incorrect point and took away their development.
2) The Two Atomic Bombs at Hiroshima & Nagasaki:
Possible reason could be video game affect.
3) Hitler In WW2:
But not the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that lead to Hitler. Means WWI is ours and WW2 is theirs. But, WWI is also an indirect affect of them. A situational change leading to armed conflict.
4) Almost All Religious Wars:
Possible reason could be video game affect.
5) Almost All Terrorist Attacks:
Reason behind 911 was different. That was for Muslims and in general religious solidarity. To jolt religion back into a society where religion is fading. So all attackers in 911 were modern. Also, video game affect.
6) Almost All Mass Shootings:
Possible reason could be video game affect.
7) COVID-19: (2019)
Black plague was natural, follows natural pandemic patterns. Not even SARS in 2003 in China. As a matter of fact they got the idea about COVID-19 from SARS of 2003. The reason behind COVID-19 and more recent and up coming events are different. Also, the reduction in world population, which is happening since 1950s is not directly due to them, but for a separate set of reasons that is indirectly related, and have to do with people's fitness. Number of females have to do with number of males. Not all groups of males are reducing, some are on the rise as well. Its a topic we will return to later in more details. Our V2K Aliens were not aware of this ether. It looks like they are too busy playing a video game.
8) Social Unrest:
Several Police Shootings, in recent times. Possible reason trying to save themselves for a clean getaway.
9) World War 3:
Under Construction. Steps 4 through 8 to be repeated. Possible reason trying to save themselves for a clean getaway.
10) Weather Reversal To Default:
This is actually of their doing, they will not give us their device. Dates back from the point I entered into the picture. So don't blame me for this one either. Selection is important, Weather reversal to default will be used to impose selection. Map of selection is still under construction.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/13/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
Another argument, that is a result of v2k aliens being here, is that all the sciences that now exist, and that we have acquired over time belongs to Aliens, since, they were present during that time. That is not true. Sciences, and all other disciplines, are not given to us, and nether can be claimed as theirs, as they are natural laws, that apply on all inhabitants of our universe. Put it this way, lets say, you are passing from somewhere and you saw someone trying to dig a hole with a hammer, now lets say, you went back home and came up with a better manner to dig a hole. Now, if the guy you saw, comes and claim that he is the one who should get credit, is not true, as all discoveries are made after an observation of something. In our case, our Aliens, cannot claim anything, as they are not part of our world, science is natural and is no ones property, and for us to invent something, knowing, that aliens exist, is the same thing as making an observation and inventing something or improving something. However, some of my findings are an impact of them.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
Why? Because everything in universe work as a quanta or energy or packets of energy. This is the reason why we can put everything in form of equations and use everything, matter and energy, in our own favor. For instance, lets say you are boiling water to 98 F, this means that so much energy need to be provided to make sure the temperature reaches 98 F, not a degree above or less. Packets of energy is the reason why we can accurately make and administer medicine, or make cars that have certain horsepower.
Now imagine, the very beginning or our universe, the Big Bang, at that time, so much energy packets changed in to matter, and matter using initial energy started to travel in all directions, all due to Packets of energy, put it this way, that initial explosion, and then the scattering of matter in form of planets, stars and all the energy, is hence governed by packets of energy and therefore we can write an equation to predict where planets are forming and where others are heading.
Now consider our Solar System. When it was formed, to the current day, all its travels, all collisions and formations in it are governed by Packets of energy, hence, can be written in form or an equation. Therefore, our solar system would have had a planet earth, at such a distance to have liquid water, therefore, chemistry of carbon to make life. Therefore, we the humans are here according to set of events that are governed by Packets of energy, therefore our creating follow an equation. Then once, intelligence comes around, things become more in control of intelligence, and hence, does not begin to follow the predictability of Packets of energy and therefore an equation. Therefore, once, intelligence comes around things alter first on the planet in favor of intelligence.
Therefore the argument, that we may or may not have been here is absolutely ridiculous. Initially its the equation that governs the creation, then the intelligence. Example, is things that are more aware of their surroundings, alter environment in its favor, therefore leading to higher intelligence.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
Please read through
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
The key to understanding blame, is to understand the planetary development. In all planets, like ours, there must be a productive niche that people will cross to get the most robustness out of it. This robustness is necessary for the people residing in it to take it to the stars and travel elsewhere in the universe for expansion. They are to blame. The most productive being who was the original builders of the ship. People are just like dinosaurs, or any animal that have fangs and claws to fight of Enemies and collect food. Same is true with humans. The prime selected(s) are the ones to have the necessary strength, both Mental and Physical to build ships and take it out to the stars. This process is not like countries on a planet, its like a growth that goes out and reach other stars. The prime selected of that growth is to blame. Why blame and put a penalty in form of stones? To make sure this does not repeat, we don't get targeted by Quantum Weapons that work from a long distance, and to put a correction on the planet's prime selected. Imagine what would have happened if they were to have arrived here a bit earlier when Neanderthals were here, we would have had a planet full of them, altering passages for human development. Also, good news is that Quantum weapons don't work as affectively in a magnetic field environment like a planet, as compared to a small mass object like a ship.
V2K Aliens, have no means to stop our technology process, and neither do they want to, it is my understanding, they just want a single hand to handle them, as they will not give us their device. Or they will attempt to have someone here on Earth to help them get the scopes they need to reduce our population.
Conversion Light Year To Quantum Year.
1 Light Year <= 0.0001 Quantum Year.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
Why? If that is true, then another thing must be true, "The collision of earth with another planet that happened before any life on earth". Yes, before at a point after the our Sun's creation, earth was a smaller planet, very hot to harbor life and was smaller in size, at that point a giant planet about the size of then earth collided with earth giving it a bigger size and making the moon in process. This is not true as Quantum Gravity does not apply to very large objects, smaller ones only. The larger the object, the more are the forces holding them in place. Put it this way, planetary movements is due to interaction between other planets and stars close by. Also, it seems like, not only did they created earth, from the very beginning, they also created other planets and Stars that harbor us and caused earth to keep its orbit. So, if V2K Aliens are to take credit for life on earth, and perform actions to lead it to creation of Humans, they will have to pickup the whole plethora of events leading to life on earth.
Also, Earth got created about 4.5 billion years ago, and so did approximately other planets around us roughly up to 6 billion years old. Which means V2K Aliens also got created about the same time ago. Which means when our planet was getting hit by the Asteroid, that killed the Dinosaurs, V2K Aliens were most likely not present either.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
Important Points:
1) Less then a Mile in diameter?
2) In Earth's habitable zone? Up to the distance of Cruithne?
3) Cloud of Hydrogen or Oxygen around the Object? Stranger Then Other Objects.
4) May have a Rotation? (Gravity is Quantum Or Centrifugal?)
Their orbit possibly the orbit of Earth, trailing ahead or behind of Earth. Very much possible to be within the habitable zone of Earth. Why habitable zone? Since it will take less energy to keep warm, and harness Hydrogen, from sun, to power other internal systems. Possibly a round or similar shape. Size maybe around 1 mile in diameter (My Guess, Anything bigger will be unstable, since there is centrifugal force for gravity due to circular movement). The revolve of the Ship should be enough to create a gravity of Around 12. Why? This is an assumption that their planet is bigger then ours. Most habitable zone planets around earth, within manageable distance are bigger planets. The revolve must be nearly constant. Also, my guess is Gravity is not Quantum, as Quantum Gravity will be generated by a computer, and may have adverse affects due to a computer glitch or a malfunction. I have made the assumption, their must be a rotational movement. Their distance maybe the same distance as Cruithne. Why? V2K Works best at a distance of less then 0.1 Seconds Delay. It could be behind us or in front of us. That is around what I have figured out over years. There maybe a trail of "Hydrogen" or "Oxygen" around it for intake. At best this object would be "Strange" compared to other objects. Best will be to use a "Quantum Eyes" to locate them. Other thing will be to look for O2. Hydrogen should be in Condensed gas form, may not detect properly. Again, the gravity is assumed to be due to centrifugal force, to prevent body affects in case of a malfunction, so there must be a "Rotation".
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
The way to figure out, is to pay attention to how thoughts are being produced in a Human Brain. When you are thinking, lets day 2 + 2, the answer 4 just all of a sudden comes in mind without sounding like a conversation. Most of the thoughts are carried out in background, with little or no verbal affects. For example, in our case 2 + 2 = 4 (4 just comes all of a sudden), in verbal case "2 plus 2 is equal to 4". For most part no one thinks like that. In more complicated case, like pie r square value will be part verbal and part in the back ground. Now if you are v2k'd, a lot tends to become verbal, and it will feel like your tongue is moving along with a conversation. Even during this type of phase, the background thoughts are never gone, and the person keeps analyzing the verbal portion of their thoughts. V2K is mostly verbal and will feel like tongue is moving. V2K have to do with the speech center not the thought center. One thing important to recognize here is that V2K Aliens cannot and will ever not able to hear the background thought portion of it. But, they have means to repeat a portion of memory, and make you say the thought in verbal portion. For most people this will apply.
This dialogue is just to help those who are getting targeted, to get better control over the situation. The best to do, if you think you are targeted, is try to look for a solution. If you do come across one, do let me know as well. Make the solution public, work the patents out later.
Another impact of V2K that comes is when entering sleep, the person may hear loud voices. What sounds like someone yelling from a distance in a huge room creating an echo. This still does not work, because one cannot make out the words.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
In all planets, in all life, like ours, there will be a point in time when this property of Quantum Mechanics will be discovered. The chances are the prime selected of that society will be the first to get to it. So its usage will depend on how the prime selected is, and how the structure of the planet is? Like how big and how many people? Lets say in a natural environment, this technology is detected and great chances are only a few will know about it. Lets apply that to our planet.
1) Our planet is pretty small in size. One can jump from one continent to another without much of an effort. Boats and ships will be discovered way way earlier then V2K obviously, so will be the continental trades, and by that time we would have already realized how the world have structured and DNA discovered. In our case, by this time the world know each other, and most of the world would be well tamed due to natural selection. A great amount of selection also occur after the first contact with the prime selected. Like, learning will lead to selection. However, after the tools are distributed, the selection slows down, and negative selection becomes a threat. In our case, we still have a way to go, before we are affected by negative selection, a lot lot before that, more so recently, we will make the Global DNA Authority "Earth" to maintain our DNA. The Global DNA Authority "Earth" will keep the existing flora's integrity intact and distribute only the needed portions, if one are needed. So the existing clans, who's ancestors went through a lot to pass the passages in early times, keep their integrity, and all the rest of the planet takes what is needed, if needed, if wanted. In our case, at least according to me, there are 2 such flora, One is European Selection, the other is Oriental Selection. According to me, and I am European Selection, Europeans are prime selected and Orients are secondary selected. There maybe other selected, with good emotions controls and clan structure with built in culture. Make good sound decisions for healthy planet and healthy space living.
2) We do not have large expanses of land, where people will hardly get in touch with each other.
3) Physically we are not very different. Earth have a average height of about 5' 10". Facial structures are pretty much similar. (Female height is a little smaller).
Now lets look at a large planet, as that may be the case with our V2K Aliens, there may be portions of planet with a very different flora. The prime selected there may take the initiative to block their growth for some strange reason, instead of letting the selection work through, or do DNA maintenance. Or move into areas and apply pressure, so the more successful will come out. Did none of that. Instead came up with this lousy idea of "Mind Control" which is Temporary and affects selection.
V2K have both good and bad. Take the good, drop the bad, like any technology.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/14/2024
It all started about 6 months after September 11th 2001, when i realized my brain in swearing at me. In the beginning I thought its just voices in next apartment or someone in the parking lot. But pretty much immediately I realized, that the voices are like my own thoughts and not regular voices with loudness as those coming from my ears. At this point in time, one thing to remember is that V2K Aliens were not aware that there are background thoughts that are going on in a person's brain that they are not listening, this thing became apparent later on as the scene progressed (My understanding is that they ware not aware of background thoughts at all, but it is possible that they were). I was not aware of this fact too at this point in time. I initially did not paid much attention to their motives of being on me, rather I was more interested to know how this works and who is involved? Because, this was not a good thing for the society as it will put restrictions on intellectual development. Upon looking around on different facts, I excluded the western governments as entity, and began to ponder on the fact that it is probably a religious entity, trying to keep their heads above water in an emerging modern society with DNA and other technologies. I took that out within a year or so started looking into possible Alien source. Which turned out even worst then internal as now there is external influence on our growth as intelligent beings. At this point I realize that the Religions we have are not something that happened during planetary development, but, God is actually up there messing things up. All laws, all technology, all morays and folkways must be locally achieved, by DNA carving process, for a robust planet. Good news is, they showed up a little later, or they had messed up our planet for good and we would not be here.
At this time I started demanding there surrender, and asked them to hand over the weapons. And I informed them, that them being here is not good, their original planet will have to take up a penalty for letting their ship out. The plan that I told them was to V2K several head of states of my choice, and I contact them later to make them aware of this situation. In this manner a more controlled hand can be formed for their handling. They obviously had something else in their minds. First, locate the ship, Second, Work On V2K Solution, Third Increase their distance.
A bit later in time, i realized that V2K Aliens cannot tell me anything new, but i can tell them new and old things, as they are listing to my vocal side. I think they were interested in me as a modern day Saint or Terrorist carrying out their "Uphold the Religion" agenda. Not knowing that I was a full time Atheist, starting way back from my library where there was a picture of a transformation showing a Monkey gradually turning into a Human. Totally unaware they kept throwing religion at me, in which i was totally not interested, rather then the fact how this is done. Kept throwing religious jealousy and all over time till about 2006 that is when I ran into an old science that I had read about in college regarding Radical Electron Pairs and their Quantum Communication. Although, I had read about them in college, I never visited this during those 6 or some years, and kept looking into EMPs and Radiation as a possible source of V2K and kept finding a single point of insertion into the brain. Then I finally got to it, that it is Radical pairs of Electrons, and Cryptochrome Complex is the reason behind it. That is the place of communication. So I started putting that out to different sources to determine how its done and possibly give any leads on it. At that point very little was known and we were gradually gaining grounds on Quantum Physics. Then over time I kept seeing more about Quantum entanglement on the internet. The whole field progressed at large scale during this time. Which was good, as that was the only place where I could go to get things going against them, to determine their position in space and find a solution.
During this time, I made them an offer, that acting God is not good, how about making a space for you on Sirus B in a new maintained ship, and your and our nations can progress through space helping out each other. But, since they are here, their weapons are ours, and have our critical information. Anyways, eager to know how to travel in space, i started working on a ship design that will work for longest of times without much maintenance. I am a son of Architect and was always interested in buildings and landscapes. I am a biologist too, and always knew some regions have people that behave differently so from 2006 to 2017 roughly I was working on both.
Armed with Quantum Physics, I began to realized that this ship have to be using Quantum Mechanics as that is the lowest energy consuming way. After figuring few things out, after 2014, things began to get sour, then after 2019 it really started to boil down as the technology was progressing faster then expected, then around 2020 they seems to start demanding to stop the progression of this science, as we both realized there are dangers for them specially at this distance, and their escape speeds are slow, as they are driving a old band of a station wagon. We can do few things at them, Quantum and Non Quantum that will hurt them they will expose their technology to us. The situation took a worst turn, as they started implementing their only deadly implement using Quantum Heat, "Viruses".
Also, Quantum Physics labs have an advantage, they will, unknowingly, detangle a person's eyes and make them invisible to them. So sometimes they are present and sometimes not. This is good for the scientist working on Quantum applications.
So anyone pursuing out there, have to do the following 3 things,
1) Positively identity their ship, "possibly" round or something similar in our habitable zone.
2) Work on a solution to stop V2K.
3) Move them at least 5 times their current distance to prevent Quantum Attacks.
4) Keep their integrity intact by making measures, not to expose their device in general. Means a well balanced hand can handle them. This is the Most "I" in our case.
Contact me, for a better solution for communication with them and other matters.
POSTED: (2022) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
The PCV system is an engine's crankcase ventilation system, designed to get the fumes that have entered into crankcase out and then insert back into the air intake for recycling, for better mileage and to reduce emissions. In some cars there is a tube that connect the PCV valve, usually located somewhere on the "CamCase" or could be "CrankCase", to the air intake, in others, the crankcase exhaust is recycled and goes back, only in high pressure does the PCV valve opens and exhaust the fumes to the outdoors. What Quantum affects on engine is doing is using Quantum Heat and Movement to clog up the opening on the PCV system, increasing the exhaust fumes in crankcase, since heated gases travel upward, most gasses will end up in CamCase and will form a sludge on the CamShaft making it rough to rotate and press on the pistons. This leads to loss of engine power, and if repeated over and over again may break the timing belt or may stretch timing chain. I think timing chain will work better to take the beating. Modifying the PCV system is not legal, and inspection will fail if you do modify it. What I will suggest, is to use a breather oil cap and add 2 bottles of STP or other gas treatment to reduce sludge build up. If it is allowed in your place of residence, you can add a Oil Catch Can on the tube going from PCV valve to air intake manifold. This will really help out. The CamCase oil cap breather works well too, but you may observe reduced symptoms of loss of engine power if you put a oil cap breather alone, not all will go away. You will also have to add Lucus or Slik50 type of oil treatment with every oil change.
Another, thing is that all internal combustion engines every where would be prone to it. With a PCV or PCV type valve failure. Not much of an issue, with generators, or other 2 cycle engines. I don't see much issues with turbines for electricity generation. I think our V2K Aliens are trying to teach us a thing or two about Quantum Affects by actually doing them. Causing death and destruction. Instead of just surrendering their weapons and teaching us directly. Still not a good idea. Or just plain old whatever is in their arsenal. In a nut shell, all affects are confined to Quantum Heat (Slight), and Quantum Movement. Movement and Heat only applies at atomic level. Very very little on larger objects. Like on even small stones Quantum Mechanics will not work, they need to be moved by a larger force on earth, or a larger planet.
POSTED: (2022) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
They will have to annihilate the whole world, not a soul left behind. Why? We already have universities and other institutions that have Quantum and electronics, and they will take a long time to deteriorate. Lets say, V2K Aliens caused enough turmoil to kill 1 billion people, there are still 7 Billion left, they may only move enough for us to rebound within 10 or so years and catch on to V2K Aliens again trying to get away in their old band of a station wagon. Now lets say they kill 1/2 of world population. Still not enough turmoil to do a clean getaway. About 100 years to start off where it was left out. They are again caught and we can approach them at constant acceleration within a 100 or so years. Still not far enough for the old band of their station wagon. Now lest say 3/4 of all Human population, still rebound within 200 or so years before we are back on our feet again. And all this time they are reducing V2K capabilities to affectively cause destruction. So as they are moving away they are loosing V2K specially the "Data" portion of it. The rest would stay even longer, but are not that affective. Their asteroid capabilities will stay, but that takes even longer time, as one may have to wait several years to come across one that will move enough to strike earth. Then we have means to deflect them, as there will be time to figure that out. From a very far distance, almost earth crossing asteroid small enough in size. Then even a small enough asteroid is not enough as we will bounce back within 1000 or so years and come straight at them in their old band of a station wagon.
POSTED: (2022) MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Lets consider how difficult it is to make a functional gene. The answer is very very difficult. In most cases it will be very very difficult to make, as one is making a new Gene leading to a new function. Put it this way, it is easy to do metal recycling, then to mine for it. Mining is not impossible, but, lot lot easy is to do metal recycling. Lets take an example of Growing two extra fingers also known as polydactyly. Now to have 6 fingers and 1 thumb, one have to make the hand wider, make sure the last two fingers are smaller, to make the hand have a better grip. Now to get the DNA change, we have to do a DNA change in hand width, extra bones, extra blood circulation, hence more power full Heart, extra nails, extra skin, extra muscles, and much more. All of this have to work in concert with the rest of the body to just add 2 fingers. This means if one change one little variable, that little variable will lead to many many gene changes. The way nature have made us, is by doing one step at a time, where we have gradually grown from just a single amino acid engulfed in bilipid layer. The bilipid layer is just oil. Then gradually after a long long period of time, after a lot of trial and error, a single cell came along. This transformation may take a billion or so years. This is how difficult it is to get life going. Giving birth to a being that is upright, balance on two legs, and have hands that are free to do work, and have brain for intrigue. Intrigue is another one of those vital virtues. Intrigue requires at least two concurrent thoughts and an overlaying thought to make sense out of anything.
For example, let say I look at a leaf, that is thought number 1, then the brain must have enough power to match it with its possible other uses like skin, this is thought number 2, and finally a overlaying though to make a stone cut into a leaf shape to take the skin off an animal. One example, related to V2K, is that how about teaching Hyena to kill its prey by biting at the neck? Just like a Lion. The Hyena seems to be biting here and there to get the animal succumb to its death. Lion on the other hand know the places to bite for maximum affects. A person with at least 2 concurrent thoughts, and 1 overlaying thought is one with Intrigue giving birth to new inventions.
Now lets take V2K Aliens. They almost destroyed it by making changes that are not natural, and are not growing in concert with each other and with the niche. We are not sure, how many beneficial genes we have lost, due to their impact. It is possible we might have achieved cancer tolerance, and other genetic disorders tolerance. Good news is, we are alive, and intelligent and have enough intrigue, and body strength and agility to get a society running, and making things to make our lives better, and eventually get out of the planet before Betelgeuse explode.
There are several factors in intelligence that comes around in cosmos on a planet capable of giving birth to life and holding it, so it can evolve to turn into a higher being and more intelligence. Lets consider the factors below,
1) Distance From Sun.
According to me, distance from Sun plays a big role, as it determines the surface temperatures that are present. Our earth is in the beginning part of the Habitable Zone and hence carries a little higher temperatures, as compared to end part of the habitable zone. Most convenient temperature for us is around 75 degrees F. This means we will have to maintain 75 degrees F in our ships to remain pleasant and produce lesser moisture as sweet. This means less moisture in air to be removed and temperature of the stone close to 78 Degrees C. This is achievable easily with lesser energy usage. I think the point of origins on any planet will be around the Equator. This niche is warm and helps takes the fur off the related animal. Makes room for respiration to evolve and hence reduces body temperature, now the animal can walk long distances. Natural spread, avoiding predation and push from existing population moves the person from niche to niche, leading to ever difficult niche. The most being "Cold".
2) Size Of The Planet (Gravity).
Gravity of 10 gives us a huge advantage. Our bodies are bigger and have more thick bones giving us more power on land to do work. No matter what type of planet we get on, or even in ships, manual labor is part of daily routine. In case of Quantum Attack, ship will have Centrifugal gravity, the ship will have to rotate lesser to achieve a centrifugal gravity of around 10 compared to higher. The higher the gravity is needed, the faster have to be the spin, the more will be the chance for it to break. Or rate of constant acceleration. However, in ships we can use a combination of Centrifugal and Quantum Gravity or acceleration. Quantum Gravity is computer depended. A glitch may have adverse affects on our bodies. So low level Quantum Gravity can be used to give Earth like feeling.
3) Tectonic Plate Movements.
The good thing about Tectonic plates is they move. That is great, avoiding a Pangea.
4) Oxygen Ratio.
O2 Ratio also determines the size of our bodies. Very large size bodies will lead to higher number of backbone disk. This in turn may lead to stature issues later in life. The number of disk that we have gives us straight stature for a longer life. For example, in our case, we can get to over 100 years and keep our stature normal.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Yes, any object in collision course with earth must be treated as a potential hit, and must be treated that way, and not an "Alien ship" even if it looks like one. Ships made out of an asteroid have limitations due to mass and magnetic field, as to how close they can approach a planet. If a massive asteroid is captured by earth's gravity, it is more then likely to hit earth. So take "deflective" or "destructive" measures within a safe distance. Take preventive measures from immediate threat first, then analyze the situation later. Look for an asteroid that maybe V2K Alien ship, maybe a mile in diameter, maybe round. One can recognized it by seeing unusual activity around it like accumulation of gasses, O2 and H2 maybe N2. Also, by looking for "Eyes" using quantum physics. But if one is seen approaching Earth at a collision course or even close by, take "deflective" or "destructive" measures.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
Yes that is true. One thing to know about Quantum Gravity is that once applied on an object, it does not break other Gravity interactions with other objects. Say for instance, that is an object A and there is an object B, Then their is an object D & E at some distance. Lets say object A is to be made to hit object B with object C & D Close by. Although I am not sure, using Quantum Mechanics is at a max of 2 folds and also depends on the mass of objects A & B. I am working on this and will post on Academia page once done. Since Object A and being acted upon by object C & D as well, Quantum Mechanics cannot disable this interaction, it can only increase to maybe 10 folds. So therefore, to make a hit one cannot just turn things around and make them go in certain direction, while ignoring other objects around. To make a hit, one have to set a course for a very long period of time and is more then likely to keep the Quantum Gravity active during the course of interactions. For Most part the larger the objects the more is time and effort, the smaller the objects the less time and effort. So therefore, unless V2K Aliens have become Kamikaze Pilots They will not be able to a large asteroid on earth with a major major course correction at a close distance. Even if is pulled in earth's direction, it will bounce back to its original place due to other body interaction in our case C & D. Still keep an eye out for any incoming asteroids specially smaller in size like the size of school bus or a house. Larger ones, if they are exactly heading towards Earth are posing a high danger. However, Keep an eye out for both in close proximity.
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
POSTED: () MODIFIED: 11/18/2024
One thing that I am pretty sure about, is that for the longest time V2K Aliens wanted me to end up in Pakistan. Check small countries like Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, "Mongolia", and others alike for advancements in Quantum Mechanics. There maybe bad affects of Quantum Mechanics locally that V2K Aliens may have someone work on locally and implement usage world wide. There maybe a differences in affects from their location in space, compared to local. Local about 20 or so miles (Maybe more depending on location on Earth). Local bad affects "may" include partial blinding through Retina damage. I think it maybe reversible. Air movement affects, "may" affect lungs. Quantum heat around 105 F "may" affect joints and other organs including Brain. Read through all arguments in detail. Ask if there are any questions. If you are in third world and working on any applications of Quantum Mechanics contact me. There is a 3rd party involved, with very bad intensions. In the mean time, make "Quantum Eyes" and try to locate them. Once a positive identity is made, we can make authorities world wide to implement solution to stop V2K Aliens from utilizing V2K on us. Read "How To Tell If You Are V2K" in arguments.
In space these affects can intensify. So no live approach, only probes & robots for approach, Take a good scan, from a safe distance, using ground penetrating radar and EMP devices that can give a visual of the inside as much as possible. So install ground penetrating devices on the probes to count the numbers of V2K Aliens inside and know the structure. Also, one can look for "Eyes" or "Oxygen" using Kiran Waves for location of their ship. Once the structure is determined, we can make approach plans. Put it in short, we cannot leave Earth till they are captured and device deactivated. They are a run away ship, with no one looking on their shoulders, they may act erratically, which up till now they have.
As far as V2K Aliens are concerned they are stuck in our orbit. They can only move a bit not a whole lot. If they do take a orbit out of their current orbit, with a lot of push and scuff, without breaking their "Old Band Of A Station Wagon", Contact me for next steps.
As far as local proliferation is concerned, do the following,
1) Restrict international students from taking Quantum Classes. (In all Countries, Respectively). This is very very important science for our future. The only exception are Most "I" (Read to see the meaning of Most "I").
2) Require more documentation from local students. Make a ledger of all scientist working on Quantum Applications. Tell them to work on a Quantum Eye with precautions (Read "Chameleon" A Good Test Animal For V2K). A local student is one who is the resident of the city where the institution is. At this point in time, Must be in direct supervision of "European" or "Oriental" descent. V2K Aliens have fewer affects on the two. Both European & Oriental must coordinate with each other for proper safety implements.
3) All applications of Quantum Mechanics will require Quantum Eye device to make non photonic remote Quantum Connections. Now you can approach the scientist involved and keep a ledger for its Correct applications. Once the Quantum Eye is made, it should make local locations invisible to Quantum Mechanics. So proceeding should be safe. Even if V2K Aliens see where the Quantum Eye is on Earth, they still cannot do anything as it will make the local area, maybe the size of the city invisible, means they will not be able to attach to the habitants. If one is made and sent to space, out of Earth's magnetic field, it will see them loud and clear without the manipulation of magnetic field. But this venue is expansive, compared to the local one. Make the local government pay the local scientist for their efforts in resolving this issue. If I am around, I will accept payment too for my work. I have several projects in line, for our expansion in the universe. Or pay my Kids appropriate amounts and rest goes to Universities for projects on our expansion. If I am found deceased, it would be accidental death, like a car accident.
Once you have a positive identity of the V2K Alien's Ship, contact me for the next steps. Only contact me once a positive identity is made, I have nothing to offer prior to that, only then I can work on a solution in a credited lab. A global entity have to form, this will save us and V2K Aliens from getting a blame. Once made, we can then approach the Ship and take control of it. If I am deceased, do the following,
1) Put out a solution for V2K first. This is important, as this will stop them attempting to cause as much disturbance as possible to attempt a get away. Right now they are stuck pretty much forever within Data Zone.
However, any approach towards Earth or any projectile exiting out must be treated as a threat. Fire at will only for objects approaching us and carry the risk of collision. We will approach them, they must not approach us.
2) Put a probe on the stone that was identified as having the "Quantum Eye". Go to close proximity and know where the entrance is. Their ship may move here and there, do not get alarmed by it. They may attempt to push or destroy the probe. Wait and see if they will let the probe inside the ship, this maybe a sign of surrender. If not break the entrance and enter the probe inside the ship and take control of it. Do not worry about oxygen scaping. Locate their Quantum Eye and unplug it from the main circuit board, there may not be any power source driving it. Prior to that empty all gas tanks, or the Gasses will expand and cause an explosion. Don't worry, not a big explosion to damage us, but the Ship, Fugitives, Hardware and Data will be gone forever. The ship may loose gravity, and heat as well. If they do surrender and open the door, make them transfer into smaller pods and give them centrifugal gravity, do not get them close to Earth, as they pose a huge Bio Hazzard. Their ship have to be disarmed properly before they are allowed back in. All hardware taken, All Data Taken. The Data and Hardware will be handled by GDA "Earth".
3) The Quantum Eye may see small eyes here and there in the orbit, moving away or towards the sun, do not get alarmed, V2K Aliens may toss their own eyes for confusion to show they are more then one, also over time objects from Earth may scape into space taking small creatures into space, this will show up as an "Eye". They are full of deception and miss leading arguments. The Quantum Eye should become visible very very distinctive as compared to a Human or Even V2K Alien's Eyes.
4) Contact me for missing steps. Only once a positive identity is made. Contact me at or Put this line is subject matter "Aliens Found". We can do our first meeting at a location of your choice at a public space in or around Houston TX., like a university cafeteria. Safe for you safe for me. I will still work on V2K defense first.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (10/28/2024)
Refer to Objective Paper. Request one by e-mailing me at or
POSTED: (03/01/2022) UPDATED: (10/28/2024)
In my opinion, if that matters, best will be to stop the war and let Russians have it, or do a referendum if both agree. War is killing people & breaking the infrastructure. Remember, at any place and any time, its only the robust growing. Matters little if it belongs to this or that. Or ask Russia to join the EU. Does it matter? Or ask the EU to join Russia. Also, we are all Humans growing from a single human. However, this is current case. In other cases if there are installations (Industrial or Residential) by a country loosing mass, then that country can remove the critical hardware and software to prevent proliferation. In other case, may ask for money compensation related to installations.
A City is defined as a land with resources and Commerce.
A Country is defined as a land with resources with collective wealth.
A State is defined as several countries combined together and have common wealth and defense.
A Continent is defined as several states combined with common wealth and defense.
A Globe is defined as several continents combined as common wealth and defense.
POSTED: (03/01/2022) UPDATED: (10/28/2024)
Remember pressure is what drives selection, and builds people.
A Global Mover is one that "can" move globally, not necessarily have to and become competition for Local Movers. This is the most powerful built of a planet, like a Lion with strength to build and bring order.
A Local Mover is one that "can" move within a country. A Local Mover can and should visit Global Mover Countries. A local mover must get genetic counselling for DNA upgrades. We all will need them at some time in progression, so no worries, just get counselling.
Most Females are Global Movers, Only space is restriction.
According to me, Only Most "I" and Certain "O" Males are Global Movers, will take competition & growth with them. However, if the Country is predominantly "Most I" & "Certain O" Males they can impose restrictions. All other Males can show succession using Genetics and become a Global Mover.
All resources in a Country should be on Merit, No Quota, No Immigration.
Labor in based on competence or can be time share based on population dynamics. Immigration is for only Most "I" 85% and Certain "O" 15%.
Global DNA Authority "Earth". Most Females, "Most I" Males & "Certain O" Males, Maybe Others. I, Kamran Naqvi, is the current chariman of GDA "Earth".
For startup following steps are recommended.
1) All resources in a Country should be on Merit, No Quota, No Immigration.
2) All current conditions to proceed as they are, except for "War".
3) All assets to remain intact to the person who owns them, all Hereditary successions to remain as they are only competition will drive succession unless Genetics indicates otherwise.
4) Establish Global DNA Authority "Earth".
5) Do DNA for all Humans, both Males & Females.
6) Establish Successions based on Genetics. Assign Global Movers.
7) At this point just take the upgrade or pressures will increase to get succession out. Our DNA have closed, we are now Modern society. Since they have moved people the genes that have inserted are at incorrect place. There may not be any place left for new mutations. Even then it is only one who gets the mutation. Basically a person will be moving in the same direction the hard way. We already have the Prime Selected and Secondary Selected Genomes. Succession into ships to be based on Genetics. Remember, our existence is based on our Robustness. There is a tough universe out there, with lot of probability for Quantum Attacks. Body & Mind have to be in certain way. If we miss behave in Universe, we will gain a lot of Angry Neighbors, who maybe older and more spread out then us. Our V2K Aliens, the worst Alien you can get in the market, are probably not from a very old Nation. They are close by within 2000 or some light years. This makes them about the same age as us. So this seems to be their earlier ships that slipped out.
Our V2K Aliens were definitely not aware of their scope of V2K Weapon. They over estimated it. One can simply destroy us, by moving moon on us. If they move moon, they will simply move surface gasses. Moon have a momentum taking it back. Moon is not coming here. No matter what. No matter how much pull you can put on it from Earth, It will always be the same. However watch out for Quantum Mechanics development everywhere on Earth.
We have a global DNA coming up for the following reasons. This is what I have come up with.
1) Cryptochrome Denaturation Upgrade. (With research, as to see the negative affects)
2) Human Y Modification Upgrade.
3) Female / Male Abnormalities Upgrade. (Check for Autosomal Abnormalities, Like Cancer, Fat Distribution, Etc)
If a person takes #2 they will not have the option of having children here.
4) Female Mitochondrial DNA upgrade.
If a person is married, they can then get the upgraded fetus with #1, #2, #3 & #4. Both couples have to agree. If your wife is not in agreement, you may take #2 on your own and vice versa.
Females can take #1, #3 & #4 and take female succession upgrade.
POSTED: (04/2022) UPDATED: (10/30/2024)
Circuits are mostly made out of Copper, with a combination of either Tin and or Gold. In this combination, Quantum Mechanics can affect the contact site of two different elements and can affect the flow of current, in most cases will reduce the flow. In circuits that are low voltage, the minor fluctuation will result in incorrect signals being sent to the PCB that can lead to a malfunction. There can be a slight increase in temperature too, but, won't get very hot to the point of malfunction. For most part Quantum affects on circuits is minimal and won’t make a huge difference, but in older and cheaper circuits will make a difference. Best will be to put a redundancy in circuits for minor voltage fluctuations. Maybe +- 5 volts. Silica is pretty much immune when used in circuits.
Circuits that are fiber optics may have the same issues at Copper / Tin / Gold contact site. Also, in space objects are easy to move using Quantum Mechanics "Kiran Waves". Batteries maybe made to loose or gain voltage at a very slow rate, not sure about the rate. Batteries will not explode; they may get hot depending on how they are built. In short, if one has something in space that is for "Defense" Only, make them ground based. Remember we have a third party involved. Make a Quantum Eye, at a smaller scale, the smaller the charge, the lesser the scale, then work your way up making sure about the effects on Human body. Read ("Chameleon" A Good Test Animal For V2K:).
POSTED: (04/2022) UPDATED: (10/30/2024)
Semi Religious Mood is the worst possible mood one can be in. This mood makes a person careless, as the concept of heaven and hell are in our consciousness, a person tend to slag not paying attention to life. We are still trapped in concepts of nationality based on regions and religion. We are only beginning to think in more wider terms of our existence in the universe. Lets take for example what happened 50000 years ago? There were people making decisions, right? Based on those people decisions, we are here today making decisions and we exist. Now lets consider 50000 years from now, well there are more people making decisions? Are we not glad we are here and making decisions, raising kids, marrying, taking care of our elders? Imagine existing 50000 years from now? So, We were, we are and We will be. Also, always think in terms of Group, always think "Individuals count, but group counts more" our existence is in terms of Earth. We are Gravity 9.8, Heat 75 F (most pleasant), Based on DNA & ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). We are conscious, we are glad we are not a stone. We are glad Earth was capable of harboring life.
But then V2K Aliens showed up, and began to mess things up. They became what they are not (Creator), and we became what we are not (Created). Selection, that gives birth to consciousness got over written and we barely escaped their endeavor, as a Creator. A little earlier and we would not have existed. Also, their senseless endeavor have lead to reduction in pressures that intern lead to reduced capacity human. So one thing I want to check in their Video log is,
"How were the people living when they showed up"?
Were we naked? How did we survived the cold?
Were we Eating Garbage? Our stomachs were different at that time?
Were we not taking Shower? We must have lice treatments available?
Were we not Building Shelter? Our skins were water resistance at that time?
Were we not Marrying? Were we raping? And nobody cared?
Were we not Hunting? We need fats to grow our brains at least now?
Were we not Raising Kids? A human kid can definitely survive in the jungle at the age of 2 months.
Were we not Raising Kettle? We were really fast runners?
Were we sleeping on Trees? Did we had 4 hands & a tail?
Were we eating and defecating at the same time? Did they introduced the sense of smell?
Were we eating what we were defecating? Was there a pharmacy for diarrhea medication?
The list goes on and on.
In short V2K Alien's were making a "HUUUUMAAAAN", also known as people. Right? They must be hanging around from the very beginning, and practically must have done nothing, as niches and pressures create people, or all living beings for that matter. That is why we are gravity around 9.8 and not 19.8.
Plankton was taught into Maggot,
Maggot was taught into Donkey,
Donkey was taught into Horse,
Horse was taught into Velociraptor,
Velociraptor was taught into Chimpanzee,
Chimpanzee was taught into Frog,
Frog was taught into a HUUUUMAAAAN.
So I have come up with a conversion table to get us out of "Semi Religious Mood",
1) Oh my god is Oh my Earth.
2) God forbid is Judge forbid.
3) What the hell is What on Earth.
4) God save me is Save myself or someone save me.
5) I will go to Church this Sunday is I will go to Mall or Park this Sunday.
6) Celebrate Christmas and meet people, Celebrate New Year and meet people.
7) Hang around at a Mosque, Hang around at a fraternity club, or college.
POSTED: (04/2022) UPDATED: (10/30/2024)
Quantum Eyes Communication:
Refer to "Objective Paper". Request one by e-mailing me at,
“Quantum Attraction” and “Quantum Gravity” are two different entities. Quantume attraction is through Kiran Waves. Quantum Gravity is also a wave function as defined by Matvei Bronstein 1935.
This will happen if V2K Aliens are not around. But it they are around, they can "possibly" do this, or at a later stage we can do this to ourselves. Earth have a tilted axis, that was formed at the time when we collided with another planet that gave us our moon. Earth also have a slight wobble around axis of rotation, due to uneven distribution of weight. This wobble is generated due to our spin. Earth's axis moves back and forth during a year that gives us our seasons. All this happened at the time of creation, and when the planet collided. Also, the tilt also depend on how the land mass and water is distributed. So when Earth had a Pangea, it probably had a different wobble and tilt. So current is our natural state. Means, with all Quantum gravity forces from Sun, and other planets and other stars around us exert to give us the current state that way we are in right now. I think, and maybe wrong, but the wobble maybe due to an issue with Gravitational pull that was present from the beginning or could be direct result of land mass distribution. There is no land mass at the North Pole, that could be a cause behind the wobble. Under any case, our V2K Aliens may use this in their favor and try to tilt North Pole outward and South Pole inward or vice versa.
Now keep Quantum Gravity in Mind. One is natural, the other can be generated "Quantum Attraction" using "Quantum Eyes" to give up to "Maybe" twice the force. Put it this way, all objects are in a state of equilibrium due the "Quantum Gravity". Quantum Gravity & Quantum Attraction (Due to Kiran Waves) are two different things. So if we are to increase force on one side, that may have an impact based on where the force is being applied. This process maybe fast or lengthy based on where and how the force is being applied.
It could range from "Days" to hundred of years. In V2K Alien's case, with limited scope, I would recommend to consider in "Years", between Now and 2000 years or maybe never. During which we will have a lot of earth quakes due to tectonic plates movements. At this time I don't see too much going on, there is a bit increase recently that maybe alarming to show V2K Aliens maybe attempting to increase our tilt. Unless we implement "Quantum Eyes" at both poles, and break their connections, if any, and know their location exactly. Remember the increase or decrease in tilt is something we can do to ourselves too.
Place 2 sets of Quantum Eyes on each pole. The idea is once they connect to the "Quantum Eyes" they wont be able to anchor the "Quantum Attraction" connection to the land mass below and try to exert force to lift it up. They maybe able to do this over months to years period. Put it this way, from their "Quantum Eyes" to land mass connection, you will place another "Quantum Eyes" to prevent it from connecting to the land mass below. The Quantum Eyes on Earth will attract their Quantum Connection and should render it useless. This connection will stay till our "Quantum Eyes" is in place. Best will be not to anchor the "Quantum Eyes" to any rock, but to put it on a drone and fly it around. Sounds funny? Well we are just starting on this, and this science is definitely new to us. For example, during the advancement of Atomic power and radiation, we figured out that in order to safe ourselves from Radiation we need to dig deep and stay their for a year till the hazard is gone, right? Must have sounded ridiculous prior to that. Same is true with Quantum Mechanics related to Quantum Connections. The procedure to destroy a Quantum Connection should work best if another "Quantum Eyes" is present and it moved around. Work the science in a lab on urgent bases and master the art. One can work on this in a lab, by making Quantum Eyes at a smaller scope and work to make a connection between the two. As always, take precautions, work at a smaller scope then work your way up.
Remember, our "Quantum Eyes" is not directed, it is missing any hardware, and "should" not connect or anchor into bed rock. Our raw Quantum Eyes should just connect to other Eyes like insects and ours own. So take precautions while implementing this solution.
Make sure to make 2 equal size Quantum Eye and place them at a distance. Determine the distance in a certified lab. Make sure to start from a small scope and then work your way up with precautions. The area where they are built, monitor activities like COVID-19. You should see a reduction in COVID-19 cases. Using 2 will connect their Quantum Connections to the Center of the 2 Quantum Eyes. Start from 0.1" x 0.1" x 0.1" Then work your way up to 1' X 1' X 1'. Make sure they are 2 placed at a distance apart. Lets keep the scope at a maximum of 1' X 1' X 1' to make sure if more then 1 gets built. This is out of precaution.
Another method that may work, is to use Atom Bombs at the poles to disrupt the bed rock and break V2K Alien's Quantum Eyes Connections. This would be a last resort and a layman's way. The Bombs have to be drilled down to the bed rock to shatter the rock. Even if they stablish connections again, they will not be able to exert a force, as it will only move the soil up and down. Compact then release. The bed rock that needs to be shattered is the one with the biggest mass.
Quantum Eyes can also disrupt their impact. The scope have to be large. I would say about 1' x 1' x 1'. If you prefer, you can take precautions, and build 1 feet at a time. Frankly I am not sure how much "charge" will 1' x 1' x 1' will hold, but the scope have to be large enough to cover at least a 100 miles radius on Earth under magnetic field. Not only the "Quantum Eyes" will disrupt their ground connections, this should also work in case of Covid-19, as it will disrupt their influence on Air Currents. Also will disrupt V2K. If possible, place the Quantum Eyes out of Earth's magnetic field for even better results. The only thing is the controls and programs then have to be added in space, which is more expansive. At this point just having Quantum Eyes on Earth "should" disrupt V2K Alien's Quantum connections. Attach a safety device to "Discharge" the Quantum Eyes in case of emergency or if you suspect negative impact. There "should" not be any. Do not fluctuate the Eyes on a large scope. Leave it as it is, as it should connect locally and disrupt their Quantum connections. V2K Aliens will not be able to attach any local objects to the Quantum Eyes, they lack the software and hardware to make any state changes, this Quantum Eyes is just a "charge" no hardware attached to it. This is just a "Quantum Eyes" through which local Eyes or maybe some "Atoms" will connect on and off. This will have no impact on Quantum Gravity between Earth and other external objects. So work from small scope and work your way up. One can use drones to fly the Quantum Eyes at an altitude as well. Put means to discharge in case of any negative impact. Contact me if you are building one. I can become part of it and give advise to whatever extend I can. Do not fluctuate the Eyes on a large scope However, the person or entity must be a accredited lab with proper precautions in place. This entity will become part of Global Defense team under the company "Global DNA Authority "Earth"" chaired by me. At this point I am financially restrained and have no access to any proper resources.
Things that are in our favor,
1) Wobble around Axis.
2) Fragmented Bed Rock. Made out of two different planets. The planets were at different temperatures at the time of collision, this will have impact how the solidification occurs after the impact. Also, the natural Kiran Wave connections would have remained with old Earth, so the new planet that added don't have Kiran Wave connections with our Sun. So in case of Earth a smaller mass is connected to Sun as compared to other planets around us.
3) V2K Alien's Limited Scope.
Also, we are in time of Quantum development. If I was not here telling all this, they would have seen the development of "Quantum Eyes" and begin their processes without us knowing about it. So what I did I started to accelerate our Quantum development as much as possible to give them lesser time to manipulate "Quantum Attraction" and may cause us harm.
However, the risk is too high, to consider the above two alone. So how do we destroy that we cannot see yet? What should be the appropriate time to implement such a solution? The following are not just due to "Climate Change". There "Maybe" additional "Quantum Attraction" forces involved, attaching polar bed rock to a star with 2 x the force.
Monitor the following,
1) Increase in Earth's wobble.
2) Increase in Earth's tilt.
3) Decrease in Earth's spin.
4) Core Cool Down.
5) Number of Earthquakes on hourly bases.
How to implement seek and capture? Fire enough Atom Bombs at 3 x the lunar distance to encircle the Earth, in all directions, the concussion and heat wave will destroy them. Sounds funny? If there is another way, like a laser? Or EMP weapon of some sort, then do that. You just have to make sure to hit every rock, no matter how small or large from Earth to "Maybe" Cruithne. As our V2K Aliens may be a hopper. They will not stop. They would probably want this to happen to prevent us from getting the data and hardware. At this point they are stuck in our orbit, a concussion will destroy them. If they were to increase distance, more bombs will be needed, and they "may" still be able to do the tilt increase.
POSTED: (05/2022) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
Moon wobble is normal and comes and goes in a cycle. We have data to verify that. However, our V2K Aliens may use it as a weapon of opportunity and try to increase it by attaching it to the Sun and increase Quantum Attraction. In case if moon wobble is to increase, or even at current state, sending "Quantum Eyes" to the moon will break their Connections, just in case if V2K Aliens attempt to get our moon away from us. Or any means of gravity fluctuation observation "Should" destroy their "Quantum Attraction" connections. One can place the Quantum Eyes, with good scope in orbit around moon to reduce their impact. Also, the Quantum Eyes "wave" connection "seems" to be direct with nothing in between object and the source. For example, lets say there is Quantum Eyes connection between moon and the Sun, and Earth comes in between, it "May" break it or weaken it. Work it out in a lab. Make sure the connection is between a Quantum Eye and matter, not Quantum Eye to Quantum Eye. Make sure the Quantum Eyes is dischargeable and rechargeable to enable and disable it. This will help to show the impact. This will not affect our natural gravity. A good size Quantum Eye, about 1' x 1' x 1' should work. Work one out on Earth. The forces that work through Quantum Eyes are different then the ones that Matter exert on each other. Like "Quantum Gravity" is different then "Quantum Eyes" attraction & repulsion. Work it out with safety. Our V2K Aliens can only use Quantum Eyes connections. The Quantum Eyes connection to matter is wave function, seems to mimic gravity, but does not affect it. It can be used to increase attraction or repulsion if the wave is anchored well into the ground. The Quantum Eyes does not need to be placed on the moon itself, just need to be in a close by orbit around the moon, then leave it there, till we "Seek & Capture" our V2K Aliens. Yep this is how this science is. Not a very difficult task to handle, but if unknown, may cause a great damage.
Attaching Moon to Sun or any other object "may" increase the rate at which moon is moving away from us. At this point, I am not sure if that can happen, as Moon have several forces keeping it in place, Jupiter is one that have the maximum force on moon and gives it a rate of drift away from us. Don't worry about V2K Aliens moving Jupiter out of the orbit, it is pretty massive. Its like 2 Suns attracting each other. Good news is, our Earth is in between two large bodies difficult to move. I think Any massive body's Gravity have an Area of attraction closest to it, then repulsion, then attraction again. Well work it out in a Lab. In most circumstances, V2K Aliens will be looking to get that extra power from within Earth's inhabitants.
POSTED: (05/2022) UPDATED: (11/24/2024)
Possible only to some extend. Water currents are guided by plate tectonics that form our ocean terrain. Just in case they maybe able to move currents slight here and there. A simple observation device in Earth's orbit, or mounted on a "Hot Air Balloon" or a "Drone" should take care of this issue. However, the observation device must remain on all the time. Once Quantum Eyes Kiran Waves are broken, our V2K Aliens may attempt to reconnect. Not a very difficult task to handle, but if unknown, may cause a great damage.
Another thing we can do is to put 2 or 3 observers, that can observe, Quantum Eyes Quantum Wave connections in Earth's orbit. This will destroy any of their current connections. If lab work is done right, you should be able to observe Quantum Eyes Kiran Waves separately. Work in a Lab and rest assure, "Quantum Eyes" Kiran Waves are different then the Earth's Gravitational Waves, they will not break. Take all precautions and start in a lab from a small scope.
Another side affect of current tempering is heat distribution. Heat transfer through "Kiran Waves" is around 2 deg F, "Compared To Surroundings". This means that persistence heat transfer combined with "Convection" and "Conduction" will generally increase temperature, also is the role of "Greenhouse" affects, means trapping of heat by "Earth's" atmosphere. For instance, Cement or metal will conduct heat and get hotter. The limits for this is set by "Air Currents" and "Water". Water vaporize in heat and from the clouds, that will give rain elsewhere cooling the surface and air. This cool air will then distribute through "Air Currents" and cools the planet down. For instance, Cement or metal will conduct heat and get hotter. Even this is not much of an issue and is not life threatening as compared to the poles. Someone have to go to the poles and see if there are any "Kiran Waves" attached. Our V2K Aliens are missing the tools and strength to carry this task on their own, they will look for someone here to accomplish this goal.
Most of their actions are bluffs, trying to scare us, while they buy time for getting someone on board from within. So first, work on V2K solution then look for "Kiran Waves" on poles and "Cut" them, including some "Maybe" on the moon. At the same time locate and destroy V2K Alien's "Quantum Eyes". They maybe a hopper, going stone to stone.
For questions and concerns contact me at or
POSTED: (05/2022) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
Kiran Waves seems to have equal bad uses compared to good ones. Bad uses include V2K, Oscillating force to cause Earth Quakes, Attachment of two celestial objects to exert force on each other. Around 2 degrees transfer of heat more then "Kirans" alone. Very Very few "Kiran Waves" are strong enough to do that. Good seems to be, in space" limited to some heat transfer to distant spaces from Sun, "the science of Kiran Waves is very essential for life here on Earth and in space", the heat transfer can work in both direction, using “Quantum Eyes”. Search google for “Is Our Core Cooling Faster?” Kiran Waves were possibly part of very early life communication before the evolution of “Eyes”. There are not enough “Kiran Waves” produced by Sun to connect to each “Eyes” for migration purpose. Put it this way, there are more “Eyes” in the world then Kiran Waves. So only a fraction of “Eyes” connect at any given time, so collectively they seems be doing no regular purpose. Same seems to be true for vegetation. If you cut a Kiran Wave, it will grow again from point of origin, as long as the precursor for “Kiran Waves” is present. A good scientist will know the precursor(s). After the regrow of "Kiran Waves" it will attach here and there, unless it is directed again using "Quantum Eyes". At this point, monitoring poles is very important, and cutting or softening “Kiran Waves” at poles is very very important.
Some "Kiran Waves" are stronger then others. Very few should be stronger and carry more heat, which should be around 2 degrees compared to surrounding, these waves make a good bond with specially "Metals". Over a period of time, will make an impact. Do not worry about core cooling at this time, we can do that manually later. Worry about "Poles".
POSTED: (05/2022) UPDATED: (11/24/2024)
One thing that our V2K Aliens "may" do, or find someone among us to do, is to break "Kiran Waves" of our Sun. I am sure, V2K Aliens lack the capabilities to achieve such a goal, but I am not sure about us. If someone is to break Sun's Kiran Waves, Earth will cool down to about 10 degrees average, this is my guess. However, Kiran waves will originate on their own within 6 months to a year, maybe more. There maybe a process to restart the Kiran Waves of the "Sun" by throwing matter into it. Throwing matter into Sun is very difficult for us at this time, however, firing Atom bombs into Sun, should jump start the process. Consult this first with a team of Physicist prior to any actions, contact me, if I am still around. One can work with precursors as well. If Kiran Waves of the "Sun" are ever broken, Sun will appear dull, glare will reduce. This will not hurt us badly, but will cool us down. This may have an impact on planet population, and natural flora. Breaking of Kiran Waves should end V2K and Virus spreads, as Kiran Waves are used as means. Seek and capture V2K Alien's Kiran Waves out of their "Quantum Eyes", will work much much better, they will not be able to see and capture our Sun's Kiran Waves. Once, found, send out a probe and meet with them, and all that is mentioned about them on this site will become true. They may claim making our Earth better, which is all a bunch of crap. They are attempting a clean get away, by slowing us down or destroying us all together. They think we are religious and will fall for the "making a human" theory. Find them, meet with them, and be amazed. Then Immediately send out probes to see what else they have destroyed on their great outdoor endeavors. First comes first, make a solution for V2K. What we have to do, is to either break "Kiran Waves" attached to the Eyes, or make them vibrate. If one sees Kiran Waves in Eyes vibrating they have done it. Increase scope and vibrate other "Kiran Waves". Check for any ill affects, you will find "None". This will also prevent them from manipulating our Air Currents.
Perhaps in future, we will have to break and reform our Sun's Kiran Waves to protect us from spy activity from other life around our planet, or manage them better for industrial use. Also monitor for any incoming communication attempt. V2K is only possible from a close distance, and other things using Kiran Waves, from a long distance, there will be time delay or maybe loss of signal.
In the mean time, work on the "Quantum Eyes". Gradually increase scope, and you will see their "Eyes" or their "Quantum Eyes". This will pin point their location(s). Now "Seek & Capture". Also, you can place the "Quantum Eyes" as is at the poles and disrupt their quantum connections that "Maybe" attached to a star in an attempt to tilt us over.
Why they may attempt this? For the following reasons.
1) They have failed to start a nuclear war.
2) Religion is not working.
3) Moon is not pushing into Earth. Or "Maybe" Tilting Away.
4) Viruses are not as affective.
POSTED: (06/2022) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
There is a possibility that our V2K Aliens may increase risk of oral infections by infecting certain number of people and moving them around. Take precautions like, if there is blood after brushing teeth avoid kissing. Clean mouth with mouth wash. Wait till the gums are cured. Oral infection viruses are usually more difficult to handle and some may have delayed onset. Watch for Hepatitis A among others. If you are authority anywhere and own a public site, you can mention to wait till the gums are cured, in case of bleeding, then proceed with your business, mention my name for reference.
POSTED: (06/2022) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
Also, just as a word of caution, use a slightly bigger asteroid deflection method. For practical purposes consider Kiran Waves to apply twice the gravitational pull that is present normally between objects. Make defense Earth based. Space based will work too, but may move before firing. If a country have a space based defense system, and they are getting alarms, keep a land based defense in hand. If a rocket is fired, its trajectory will not be affected by Kiran Waves due to movement and shaking. However, in space V2k Aliens may use a small high metal content asteroid to strike the rocket.
POSTED: (06/2022) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
One method, I think, to detect quantum eyes of our V2K Aliens is to shine kiran waves at them and attach them to their ship or quantum eyes. One thing that they "may be" able to do is to capture the kiran wave and "may be" dissolve it. The scientist will have to determine if the Kiran Wave they are shinning are attached, if it is, then work on determining position. Work on ways to see the "Quantum Eyes" on the double, as they are currently working on ways to find someone on earth to give them the scope they need. If they capture the Kiran wave, and not able to dissolve it, they would not be able to alter its state as the hardware on your end is different. Work this out on the double, I will make sure the person gets proper rewards, if I am alive, but this document will be. Don't worry even a bit about patents at this point in time. We will work it out later. Patents are meaning less if there is no world, or our world is sitting in cold. This is one reason I figured it will be better to put it out to as many resources as possible, first to safe guard the scientist, by making many, second to make it go faster. Take proper precautions in this process. Or if a person have good leads, they have reasonable proofs, they can contact me, I would be a good help as I know their workings. This person must be in a good standing company, as I will check the company and the person contacting me through authorities. This will be to establish legitimacy of the company or the person. I am missing resources, so will have to make financial arrangements for me to come over.
Another thing a legit company or a person can do, is to show cryptochrome or Kiran waves as a possible weapon, and ask the local government or local company for funds to do research and put a defense. Work on Kiran Waves, they are visible to eyes as discussed above. One should be able to see and distinguish Kiran Waves based on their strength. Or if you have funds of your own, this will be a worth venue to take. Right now there is a third party with very bad intensions.
POSTED: (10/26/2024) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
Attribute glacier retrieval to them. This portion was not mentioned as I was under a different mind set. I was going to get the defense start first, which still have to, then work through a movement plan. I failed to occupy proper grounds for this work. This was to not lead to a panic situation, COVID was out and things did not work out with them as previously thought. Then we need to get plans for selection which is very important. Things did not workout in a timely manner. We need to do movements on urgent basis forcing selection. We will not have the expertise for a heat redistribution plans for a while, in other words proper technology.
This will lead to global catastrophe and selection still not there will lead to massive Earthquake. Must build a team fast. Further details will come once a team is build. There is more in this situation then what is explained.
Read through They will not give us their device. Contact me for "Map of Selection".
They showed up no more then 10,000.00 years ago that is when the v2k distance was achieved. First of the religions showed up about 6000.00 years ago. They just happen to show up at this time. If it was any later, they would have gone away due to us becoming advance enough to see them approaching. Us being backward in technology was one reason why they approached us. Once here they started experimenting and playing a video game related to people movement, possibly trying to see what is the reason behind male differences in European and Oriental arena. In doing so, they messed up our evolution to some degree. Oh, and our V2K aliens may claim that the disturbance they brought about due to people movement was the reason behind our advancements, is not true. We would have been a very robust planet due to our size and people in it. Disturbance have nothing to do with technology development. Our fast paced development occurred about 600 years ago, after the prime selected cultures gained enough strength to get into other technological matters, other then farming and initial iron and stone tool making. Put it this way, due to their people's movement, we matured all of a sudden. Our V2K Aliens got trapped by surprise and were missing the strength to get out of this fast approaching situation. Take a measuring tape to measure the difference between their muscles and skin, and see how much over grown it is. Also use the same tape to measure the difference between them and the structure they are living in.
Remember, they will use V2K, as they are V2K Aliens, to get any scopes possible from us, so first comes first, will be the defense, about 5 mile radius.
POSTED: (12/12/2022) UPDATED: (09/23/2024)
Please refer to objective paper or request one by sending e-mail to
POSTED: (12/12/2022) UPDATED: (11/27/2024)
One thing that can happen using Kiran Waves, is to spread the radiation particles in the same way as a virus. This means, once radiation is released, like in a nuclear explosion, the radiation that is released can me moved around like an air current to destinations further from the radiation release site. I am personally not sure about current make up of Ukraine, but, all installation belong to the original builder, specially hardware and software. Best will be to come up with an agreement to give financial gains or control to Russia, as it is there original installations, hardware and software. It is absolutely meaningless to fight over a peace of land where humans are growing, as only the robust will grow. Also, in assigning lands, one have to see what human growth is occurring, make sure its not a maintenance group, otherwise, only future maintenance is increasing. Currently, European Selection is prime selected, and oriental selection is secondary selected. Read about selections at
Our main growth is in space, we are only gaining strength on Earth. Make sure the strength is gained positively, or there will be just overheads for future, and unexplainable scenarios as to why there was an issue on the first place. However, we have religion and equally put, V2K Aliens trying to throw us off track, very much like their own planet, that maybe sitting in ruins, if one is still there. Keep minds on the betterment of our planet Earth and its people. Discontinue immigration, it is not for the betterment of people, what may look like an improvement may actually be a reduction in betterment of people getting moved. Now we have DNA tool to assist us in achieving goals that are for our planet's betterment. Remember only Most "I" and to some degree Certain "O" can move. In our current structure, I will suggest 85% to be Certain "O".
Our V2K Aliens may claim, that this development would not have occurred if not because of wars that we have inflicted on you, means the building of weapons, security and such. That is absolutely nonsense, we would have done all of this, and even better in lesser time, while following a regular planetary development. In a regular planetary development, wars maybe occurring in the beginning section, like during the build of iron tools, so able bodied and intelligent people will gain lands. This does not apply to current situation where we are Atomic and about to become Quantum. Science is one thing leading to another have nothing to do with fighting. Science brings about tools for betterment, and life in space. Survival tactics now apply in space, to pave way for us to live in space. Our V2K Aliens, "will" also claim that their work is not done yet. Also, make sure to take the measuring tape while giving them a visit, keep a Concussion bomb or laser handy too, as it is part of survival that they supposedly have taught us, do not forget to ask for Data, if not surrender, then use the survival tactics on them. Also, we would also like to know as to how many more planets have they build up till now? They are an outside influence. They are armed. We are getting there. The good news is, the ship they took off in, was probably a construction crew doing small jobs here and there, or they maybe galactic pirates.
POSTED: (12/19/2022) UPDATED: (11/04/2024)
Looking at our current state of world, expect no more then 1000 people to be currently V2K constantly. For most people out of 1000 its just extra dose of power, like being on drugs to make them act in certain ways, this portion is pretty much on auto. V2K aliens only enter doing V2K when those people are needed to act in certain ways. If V2K is broken, these 1000 people will show sort of dull behavior, very few may lose appetite and reduce weight, just a little, like around 10 lbs. Expect no surprises out of these 1000 people, a little loss of performance, if in leadership role, may begin to count more on advisers. Remember its fake. The rest, around another 500 to be on need to have bases. This is what I have figured out from how our V2K Aliens work. Some of those will be political figures, most not so political, but rather criminals. These criminals are like V2K alien's pocket knives that they carry around. For most part, their pocket knives do not work immediately, they will still have to prep for an assault, most assaults will be a failure. Almost all of their pocket knives are not aware of them being a TI. As a matter of fact, most of the TI's are not aware that they are a TI.
Worry not, expect not much if a defense is put up, and V2K is ended. If V2K does not end, then there is need to worry. Viruses will keep coming, more earthquakes, more wars, they may even attempt to release radiation. Moving ozone by them is not possible, and earth have a rich atmosphere, if you move air, the gaps fills up immediately. Also, their scope is very small. The Kiran Waves they are working with are not that strong. They will look for scope on Earth. At this point they cannot get out of data range, which is very very good, makes it easy to detect them and attempt to get our data and end V2K. They will simply not stop, and will attempt to get away. If caught, they will simply say, oh we were trying to teach you a lesson.
POSTED: (12/27/2022) UPDATED: (11/06/2024)
Also, our V2K Aliens are such, they will say, we were attempting to make you all cancer free by throwing radiation at us. Resistance to radiation or viruses occur over a long period of time through genome changes that take place very gradually. If all of a sudden, we may and will kill the person carrying the resistance. Its resistance not total blockage. Find the source of their Kiran Waves and give them one last chance to surrender, call me if I am around. These are the type of V2K Aliens we are dealing with.
Equally put, Atomic / Antimatter / Quantum (Kiran Waves) weapons comes way further down in planetary development, and are part of global defense, not internal defense. Internally we are all one beings of Earth and science "DNA" determines our fate, so we use the DNA tool for our betterment. Atomic / Antimatter / Quantum (Kiran Waves) are for asteroids and other planetary invasion, if needed. Atomic or antimatter will only give us Cancer and cause us to annihilate ourselves. Atomic , Antimatter, Kiran waves are help full in certain ways, all technologies have good and bad. Swords, light weapons for self defense only. Globally we are a growth, just like a Rice field. Swords and stone tools were a part of growth that causes increase in our body mass and strength and intelligence growth. Light weapons for hunting and self defense. Larger weapons for planetary defense and our growth into space. Work on Kiran Waves and determine V2K Aliens location and a defense solution, they will have to surrender and give us the data we need, or they simply will not stop teaching us a lesson and claim we were not worthy of it. Take a measuring tape, to determine the stretch index of their skins, and difference between their roof and them. Seek and capture after one last surrender attempt, once the contact is made. Call me as I maybe of help. Donate to take proper initiative on my own, with help of a good scientific team. I will add up donations to get to the goal that a company will set for research, some will go towards site maintenance. Those who donate, keep a receipt, and you will become part of global defense, I will personally try to get a payoff from your local government and for me too.
POSTED: (12/28/2022) UPDATED: (11/06/2024)
If a person is in pressurized & radiation blocking suit, they will be able to enter their ship. V2K Aliens can & will reduce air pressure, if in their air space or possibly throw radiation at the person entering their ship. So if a person is in a module that can block radiation, and keep air pressure intact and prevent Kiran Waves from attaching to the module, they will be able to "invade" their ship. The person will have to wear a well formed sute that can prevent air pressure loss and block out radiation. Radiation should not be an issue where our V2K Aliens reside and rest. Again do take a measuring tape to take their skin stretch index and their height, to make a ship fit for them. Then gently approach them, sit on your kneels and ask for the data, full data, not a moment lost or edited, and not to forget the master iPad for control of their weapon. Keep a concussion bomb and laser handy for defense.
POSTED: (01/15/2023) UPDATED: (11/27/2024)
Oh, and our V2K Aliens may claim they are here to prevent us from using too much matter, as our black hole will increase and will suck us all in. First, ask them for Data, then see what happened to their planet, and what happened to them? The matter in our galaxy and our universe, for that matter, is due to compression of excess "Kiran Of Heat". Our universe is infinite, the Kiran of Heat is a bit more then what the infinity can hold, that is why the matter that is forming is stable and there is no implosion.
However, we have to make certain that our black hole does not increase size, by making a tranquility zone and revolve matter for infinity. All of this, after Andromeda.
However, our V2K Aliens may be saying otherwise, just ask them for data, and you will find, there will be no data regarding black holes, neither will be mention of Andromeda, and neither will be of Betelgeuse, I am very much sure about this. But, it seems like, they are aware of "Kiran Of Heat", as they work with Kiran Waves. They are a run away ship, with un maintained beings in it. I am the one who told them about Betelgeuse and Andromeda. They were out playing god and got stuck here due to our fast technological expansion.
POSTED: (01/25/2023) UPDATED: (10/26/2024)
The slowing of inner core of Earth, is not due to V2K Aliens. They lack the scope to transfer enough heat out of the core to cause a dramatic change. Over a very very long period of time, like 10,000.00 years or so, V2K Aliens may put a slight dent in our earth's core temperature. They are not lasting that long. The current core speed changes seems to be normal and regular occurrence, although I maybe wrong. One note to keep in mind, is that the current data maybe due to V2K Aliens attempts at causing earth quakes, which they can on regular basis. This may be leading to incorrect data being calculated. At this time, most important thing to make sure "Kiran Waves" are not attached to our poles. Figure out a way to view and soften or break "Kiran Waves" would be something we need to Aim at.
However, not all Earthquakes are due to V2K Aliens, using Kiran Waves. Their Earthquakes are different in certain ways. One, there will be many smaller quakes in close proximity, what would look like someone firing bullets, many many small bullets leading to land resettling, or release of pressure at fault lines. Their quakes are more due to liquefaction at fault line.
POSTED: (03/05/2023) UPDATED: (11/11/2024)
As mentioned before, "Kiran Waves" can be used as means to transfer heat from one point to another. Our current glacier melt down is going back to default.
In relation to weather, one argument that V2K Aliens may present to those who's thoughts may wonder in that direction, is that if our wobble is gone, and we have a straight axis of rotation, our weather will become more pleasant and gets evenly distributed and may be asking for our help. They may claim the Environment changes are solely due to human activities. Yes, in part it is, but a good portion is them. We can use Kiran Waves on our own to clean up our atmosphere. Do not fall for such an argument, for the following reasons,
1) If wobble is gone, so is our tides and so will be our eco system which is based on Earth having a wobble. This will really put a negative impact on our flora including humans.
2) All this wobble shifting will be taking place while we are living on it. All of our tall and small buildings will be gone as well. We are modern society that have reached particle physics and programming. We surely do not need any artificial stresses to make the rest of us alike, when we can use DNA tool. We will loose what we have. This situation is more of a clean get away. Oh, I will erase what is drawn and start all over again. Will not work, our DNA have already shredded and have segment reduction, as naturally would. So basically find someone, anyone, then some how add DNA to "Y" and "X" then shred again, now see what comes out.
3) There will be Earthquakes of huge magnitude and waves that will reach very very high.
4) Our planet may shift orbit and become cold very cold.
5) Our V2K Aliens may impress us and ask a "single" person or a small group for their help. Just say no, then express yourself to others to become a large group. V2K Aliens may display a show of power by shifting objects in space here and there or giving quakes on other planets or objects or on ours. Still very dangerous as the object may shift orbit and collide with another object and disturb our peace. Remember they are working with our "Sun" Kiran Waves, not that strong. Their own may give you a headache or hiccups. So they are looking for a custom solution from a "single person" or a "small group".
V2K Aliens will claim that all of the above will be stopped by us as we know how planets are. Thanks but no thanks, evidence please. We are living here, we don't have a single person out in space to carry us on, we do not have lives here to waste even if we had an existence in space. I would really want to see what Architectural changes have they made on other planets that they have encountered up till now. So no gimmicks and no fooling. And what were they doing prior to religion? They had about 6000 or so years?
Let me put a possible explanation, read the following article regarding "The Buache Map",
See picture of the map at the end of this page.
This map was probably taken from an ancient map that existed at the time this map was drawn, and was incorporated by Buache when he drew up his map. This map shows a rough outline of the Antarctica without its ice sheet, just like it will be in few years if our V2K Aliens are not stopped. I would date that map around 60,000 years ago. This map is our default. They don't and will now want us to know their technology, it will expose them and other's using same technology. We are pretty decent people and will be willing to work with them. So take this as a gridlock. They will be attempting at this point to get someone on board to work with them on "Fixing our weather" or just plain old tutorial then misguide the person to fix weather that will surely kill us.
POSTED: (03/21/2023) UPDATED: (11/13/2024)
Breaking Sun's Kiran Waves is extremely difficult and will not happen that easily. However, in case if that is to occur, our planet will become cold for around 6 months. Kiran waves are formed back on their own or faster by throwing matter into sun, or applying precursor that a physicist may know. However, during this time, in most parts of the world, electricity may go out and gas supplies may be interrupted. Also, I think electrical filament heaters may not function that well either. Best will be to use wood burning in a chimney to generate heat. So just incase, keep a supply of wood handy with a fire starter. Sun require very very large scopes working in coordination and should take year(s) to completely break all Kiran Waves. If left alone they will begin to form on their own and Sun's Kiran Waves should restore within 6 months (This is my guess, could be shorter or could be longer). So I am sure Sun is not in our V2K Aliens minds or they will loose Kiran Waves of our Sun. Best will be to try to tilt us over and move our moon out, that will reset us to a different orbit and kill us. So poles are important. The order of importance is
1) Poles.
2) Sun's Kiran Waves.
3) Core.
Orbs that appear in certain cameras are also cross section of a Kiran Wave. Kiran Waves form naturally in certain equipment, they tend to form and deform. Only those orbs that appear as coming from skies maybe them. If a picture is taken of space from bottom, one may be looking at a cross section of a Kiran wave of either Sun or Could even be moon, or V2K Aliens. So one have to follow the orb to find the origins. V2K Aliens also have Kiran Wave that they use to attach to our Sun, then they have access to V2K and other functions of Sun's Kiran Waves.
POSTED: (08/11/2023) UPDATED: (11/13/2024)
Sun spots most likely are not Kiran Waves, although one maybe going through one. Kiran waves are generated in the core of the Sun and remain static, does not revolve with the Sun. Kiran waves do carry heat in small amounts, but work much better as a tool to redirect heat The max being around 2 degrees. "Kiran of Heat" with little or no heat maybe "Dark Matter". Under any circumstances, this is not increase in Sun's glitter as mentioned earlier. Sun's glittering is due to shake or movement of Kiran Waves that may occur due to working with them initially. I mentioned this earlier to reduce panic due to glittering. Well anyways, V2K Aliens are pretty much at their Max potential, maybe a bit more looking at COVID & Global Temperatures. Global temperatures are also due to human activity, but not as much as Kiran Waves. Galactic core "maybe" making them too. Orbs that are captured, will not move even if you put a blower fan in way. Same is true with eyes. They will look floating around when you are trying to focus on them, they are static. Which means they are increasing and reducing their size to accommodate movement for the ones attached to eyes or other moving objects. Kiran Waves tend to have memory they tend to attach same site too or maybe its a new formation. Some dust or water droplets may resemble them and may cause a confusion. So just turn on your blower fan. They are not photons as light will interfere. You can put your hand in front of your eyes and they will still appear or if one is present, make surroundings dark revolve lights or different colors and no difference. A beam of light will not pass through matter. Hence, a Kiran Wave is a bond, about 1/2 of covalent bond strength.
Affects on us could be bad, depending on how long this goes on. Just remember they will not stop. They will not give us their device. We have to work things out on our own. Selection is very important.
We are a growth of Earth, part of Milky Way. If there is something changing our space, any event, gives us good enough reason to stand up and start investigation.
We must know how to visualize them and break them on move them. Or we have no life in space. They will not stop.
POSTED: (09/27/2023) UPDATED: (10/26/2024)
Sun's Kiran waves tend to branch off and connect to other elements in its path. Put it this way a major trunk that starts from Sun, reduces in size till it reaches matter where it connects like a spider web. Earthquake lights "Maybe" caused when the energy is released through the Kiran wave onto the matter where it causes liquefaction and hence earthquake. The Earthquake lights are those elements that are attached to same Kiran Wave causing electrons to absorb energy and jump to higher orbit, then jump back to lower orbit and release photon of light. The only thing is it only happens at certain location and not throughout the length of Kiran Wave after entering atmosphere. Maybe what is causing luminescence is ozone? Not sure, still working on it.
However, it does not look like Synthetic Kiran waves.
POSTED: (02/01/2024) UPDATED: (12/01/2024)
We humans are rather advance and will have the capabilities to develop large scope Kiran Waves that may destabilize other solar systems around us, or may even break Kiran Waves of other beings living in our galaxy, to the point of may even destabilizing Galactic Core, not just our own world. In the middle of all this, is our selections that is not a single hand and neither are we aware of Selections and our existence in Milky Way. Means there is no stability among us for V2K Aliens or even others in Milky Way Galaxy to even consider a surrender and give off their weapons or think about co existence. Currently we are a scattered group of people not aware of ourselves as beings living in Milky Way, rather we are in a semi religious mood just making a living. At this point we go buy a coffee, eat and drink in a world we know as created and if destroyed, we will still continue to exist in our after lives. Once in contact with V2K Aliens, we will get an answer, well what happened happened, now its like this. So what i have decided is to become the chairman of GDA Earth and make sure we have at least 1 million or more members, spread across the globe, according to the rules governing selection. My chairman ship is only for the duration of its development, after which voting will determine the next chairman. The structure of which will be given below and open to people's input. It will be like a selected body representing our planet Earth, during ongoing selection process. If V2K Aliens are doing selection, they will reduce us to the numbers when they arrive and totally mess up our eco system, the start over will be extremely difficult, if one happens. All tools & logic necessary to bypass that are present, it wont look good later on too, as part of our history, and to other life. The objective now is to show V2K Aliens & Establish defense first, establish GDA Earth and then approach, during this time we will have to make sure the science is proceeding as fast as possible. Consider current situation to be like hour glass. Remember the following applies, this is based on my experience and I maybe wrong,
"It is possible none of our hardware will work in their space for communication purpose, they live in sort of suspended animation in space, unless their ship is proper and pressurized. Even then, the hardware have to be quantum ready to be able to work in Kiran Wave stabilized environment for heat and other purposes. Hardware will be considered as a foreign object and may get excreted out of their system, similar to immune response."
GDA Earth Composition:
500 African Selection.
500 Proto Indo Aryan Selection.
5000 Arabian Selection.
20,000 Oriental Selection.
Rest will be European Selection. (Minimum 85% have to be I-M223 or like.)
Requirements will be for each member,
1) 3 Semester Hours of Genetics taken at Accredited College. Exams have to taken on site under instructor. All applicants must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline.
2) Must be DNA tested.
3) Each membership will count as two, representing both Male & Female. Both members must be DNA tested and Exams taken.
4) Female members can be Mother, Daughter, Sister, Wife or Female of a Family relative. All females must be in blood relation ship, either through a child or family relation.
5) Memberships will be set for generations as long as DNA is maintained.
6) Membership dues will be mentioned later. First date of accepting applications will be after the end of 2025. All applications will be approved in strict accordance.
7) All head of states will get membership for the duration of their rule. Male / Female rule still applies. Means if a female is a head of state, the connected male will get automatic membership, and vice versa.
8) Atomic, Antimatter & Kiran Waves Weapons Technology Control Department will be set separately and will comprise of Scientist involved in development and usage control.
Till then, keep all efforts towards advancement of Kiran Waves. They will not break our Kiran Waves for visual. All advancement credits that belong to me, mention under me. I will distribute them later according to dates. No problem. V2K Aliens are riding on my shoulders and would like to take or attempt to take at least some credits out of what I have done. But remember, V2K Aliens methods have nothing to do with me they are on their own accord and I am on my own accord. They will not stop. More time spent, more worst if our reproduction is unselected. More harsh will be their efforts.
POSTED: (02/01/2024) UPDATED: (10/26/2024)
A life, any life, specially intelligence bearing, can be divided into the following 3 catagories,
1) Life of Planet.
2) Life of Sun.
3) Life of Core.
1) Life of Planet.
Life of planet is one who needs a planet for survival. Will function properly at planetary level. Needs gravity of certain strength. Body heat generation restrictions may apply.
2) Life of Sun.
Life of Sun is mostly for those that have restrictions in body heat generation, need a Sun close by for heat and gravity purposes. Low body fat content also applies. Possibly a short & thin stature person. The life may have programing skills restrictions that prevents them from advancements into Life of Core.
3) Life of Core.
Life of Core is one which have high body fat content, produce more heat, have strong bones and very good programing skills. This is the life we fit into. We means I-M223 or like, under whom can sustain other life. Strong fat producing bodies, with high programming skills to sustain life and interact with other beings.
POSTED: (10/15/2024) UPDATED: (10/26/2024)
72) 1/3rd LAND & 2/3rd WATER TO 2/3rd LAND & 1/3rd WATER & V2K ALIENS:
Although not exact as mentioned in the heading but more like maybe even. There was a point in time, when people used to live in English Channel. And there is evidence of cities that are currently under water, according to me, about 60,000.00 or so years ago, during the time they were approaching, v2k not active yet, give v2k no more then 10,000 to 12,000 years. The question is if that is our normal configuration or what is current? With ice on poles and sea levels where they are now. Although I am missing data to elaborate much on this topic, there is reason to believe the sea levels to be 600 feet or so lower then what they are now. Which means more ice on land, as there is no other place for the water to go then to settle as ice on higher altitudes. So do your math and figure it out. What will happen is that surface temperatures will reduce, ice will increase and will not melt away. There is no way around it, but to migrate to newer locations. All that movement while keeping laws related to selection in place. If not done properly, they will alter intended habitats. At this point in time, all movements will be through me, to make sure selection is imposed, and no wars or altercations due to movements.
Under any circumstances, "POLES ARE MORE IMPORTANT". They maybe able to give us a jerk an Earthquake of huge magnitude.
POSTED: (10/15/2024) UPDATED: (10/26/2024)
There was a news about possible radio signals heading our way. In matters like this, best will be to direct matter in that direction, like an asteroid, and see what happened to it when it get in contact with the incoming non matter. Another good idea will be to install detectors of different sorts and get the signal back, or make probes hydrogen and Kiran Waves assisted. Expect non of this from our V2K Aliens, as they lack capabilities to accomplish such goals. I will be surprised, to see if their device is capable to see that far, or see anything other then Kiran Waves or Matter.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Is god logical? Lets elaborate.
First, all religions have a definite starting point. For example "Adam". We know now, we are creation of evolution, and have similarities with our ancestors, there is a little bit in us of all creatures since over time we have branched off from them.
Consider the following,
1) The Appendix: This is a part that have reduced its size and function from our ancestor "Apes" In Apes Appendix is larger and have a well defined function, in humans it is smaller and have a lesser important function to act as a reservoir for digestive track bacteria. However, 1 in 20 people who get it removed due to infection don't miss it much. This is an example where an organ have come to a size according to its use fullness down the evolutionary tree. Lets consider our, Human, example. In our case our brains are of vital importance for our survival. We do not have large claws or teethes to find food or defend ourselves. To increase our survival, our brain needs to grow. To accommodate this growth, other organs, that are not as vital, will begin to shrink due to nutrient distribution to growing organs. This is the case with Appendix, that it has shrunk its size primarily due to its reduced usage and partly due to increase in our brain size that takes up most of the nutrients we eat.
2) The Tailbone: Other mammals find their tails useful for balance, but when humans learned to walk, the tail became useless and evolution converted it to just some fused vertebrae we call a coccyx.
3) Erector Pili and Body Hair: Goose bumps aren’t just to alert you ofcold . And in many creatures, fear and confrontation cause muscle fibers called erector pili to activate, forcing hairs to stand up and make the animal appear larger and more threatening. That would’ve been useful to your distant ancestors, those hairy beasts! (Reference
The above organs and all of our organs, even brain indicates that we are a continuation instead of a lone creation different from all other animals on earth. We have some part of animals residing on earth, going down to cells and DNA.
(Just to mention a few,
Second, religion gives a starting point in recent past, the birth of Adam. Considering Bible, Torah, Quran, his birth comes out to no more then 10,000.00 years. This time frame is not enough to explain the variation that exist today among people, like Chinese, Indians, Europeans, Aryans, Africans Among others. Our point of "differentiation" from our closest ancestor, takes us well beyond 10,000.00 years according to carbon dating procedure.
Third, The concept "God" does not exists, because to think one must have senses. Say for example, our consciousness is defined by our senses, like Eyes, Ears, Nose, Touch etc. The information we gather is then processed to give us consciousness in this manner we become aware of our surroundings. In higher the animals more intricate brain exists that makes sense of all inputs from our senses and give us a sense of consciousness and awareness of our surroundings. Therefore for God to be "aware" he must have all of the above to become consciousness. This cannot be true as that will make "God" made of matter as we all are, and hence will become limited lifespan and destructible. Refer to Physics, "All matter is radio active and disintegrates over time". This gives us a cycle of Matter and Energy interchanging hands over time, where Matter converts to Energy and Energy converts back into Matter. Therefore all things that are conscious may have the following 6 objects,
a) Sight
b) Hearing
c) Smell
d) Touch
f) Memory
g) Deductive Center (Brain, that gathers all information and makes sense of all inputs that come from sensory organs)
Also, supposedly, "God" made a pair of each species and descended them on earth. There is an issue with this dilemma, Where will mule fit? Also, arrival of new species, that have emerged since earth came about. Also, if one is to start a species with single pair, a male and a female, there is not enough time for the current diversity. Which means, about 6000 - 10000 years according to biblical records is when Adam came about, is not enough time to show how tigers differentiated into different forms, that they are present at this time. Unless one says, that each sub species of animal was descended at the time earth became habitable. But, several species came way way later and some species we have made by cross breeding. Which means animals change on their own through interbreeding and other ways of DNA modifications, like mutations.
Also, what exactly was "God doing with Dinosaurus? Playing i guess. For most of earth's habitable history, there are no humans. Humans came much much later. Then Humans have uncanny resemblance with Monkeys, not to mention how much DNA is shared.
God created evolution? What? So we came from monkeys. And what created god? Bravo, trying to fit in? Trying to keep masses off of survival. Survival instincts strengthens society.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Let’s consider, "God”. According to definition and requirement of "God", the being is a thinking entity, because god takes intelligent decisions. What our cosmos is made of is matter and energy, and they both got created by god. Therefore, god cannot be any of them. If god was energy, let’s say heat, or any form of energy, then one can control god, and use him for our own purposes, but god is not to be controlled. God cannot be matter, as we can mold and form stuff with it, and use it for our own advantage.
Therefore, one can say, god is not part of the known universe, as the known universe is controllable, and usable to our own advantage. Then one question that immerges, is how do god interact with the known universe, when it is not part of it. In the known universe, let’s say heat, interacts with matter and makes it hot. Therefore, logic goes that if god is making things hot, then he must interact with matter either through heat or some other means. Now let’s look at the instance at which the interaction occurs, To raise the temperature, how did god interacted with the matter? Did he change into energy for a brief moment? If he did, then for that brief moment, god has a section of himself changed to energy, and for that moment i can use god for my own purpose. Which is against the concept of God, as not being able to be controlled? Since we can control energy and matter, we can write equations, and use those equations to for our benefits; does god follow an equation too? Also, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore, how did God managed to change into energy? This means for a brief moment, God created energy.
So tell me, the God or the creator, how do you think interacts with energy and matter to make a change in it? The known universe have all processes, that we can define and control through concepts of know universe. So how does God interact with the known universe?
Also, we are alive, due to the fact that earth is at a habitable distance from sun. We have liquid water, and heat that drives reactions leading to life over a very long periods of time.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Religion eats up selection, that is the only way to make a growing society better. Means merits is what that should give advantage as compared to just religious affiliation. Any one with any background can now take a status in society and give succession. The high crime rate in our world is directly due to this reason. One argument Aliens, seems to ponder on is that religion is good for a person, taking a religious side makes a person stable, as long as the person does not go too far into it. This is how they make people go into religion, then they gradually work them to extremism. So saying that a bit of religion in a person is good, as they are taking a side, is incorrect, such a person is prone to becoming an extremist. Muslims, Christians, Jewish, and all others alike. Remember to keep religious ideology sustained, one must have to keep the society illiterate. This is the only way to keep religious views prosper. For example, views like Jesus came back to life again and then flew off with angles, Moses parted a sea with a stick, And Mohammed went up to heavens on a horse with wings, just to name a few, do not work well with sciences.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
One more argument that lies in propagation of religious views, (Remember, keeping religion alive requires illiteracy), is the institution of marriage. One thought or argument that comes up is that "People without god, cannot sustain marriage, and our current family structure will break apart. Atheist people marriages are week, and will not sustain life with stability. This is what that lies at the bottom of most people religions, and is the main cause behind its propagation. Lets see how most of the religions define a marriage,
1) Two people willing to get married.
2) One or Two witnesses to the Matrimony.
3) A person of authority (Like Priest, Lawyer, Judge) to act as a responsible person to carry out the Matrimony and declare that two people are married.
4) A registry office to register the marriage deed. (Like a country to recognize the married couple, so in case of different countries, Wife can migrate, or vice versa. This registry also act as a sort of credit check, to see if a person is married already and trying to get married again, this will be deception, and will be equal to play with someone's feelings and waste there life's precious time).
Marriage is a social union, Hence, all conditions that are required to join two people in Matrimony are all formed in a way, so that after the marriage, if one partner is to deviate, then the other one can get justice. For example, lets say the man commits adultery, then it is the responsibility of the society to take necessary measures to ensure that personal rights of any of the parties Involved are safeguarded. Imagine a situation, that you marry a person, and that person after some time takes off with another person, without letting you know. At this point you will feel that you have been cheated out of very important years of your life. All this time you were planning a family with stable life, but then all of a sudden that dream shatters. To minimize the impact on your life, the rules of marriage will give you protection, lets say in claiming money, alimony and what not. Therefore, marriage institution is rather a social agreement. This agreement does not require any god or religion. Act more responsibly, keeping your spouse's rights intact, including children's. Personally I think, 2 Parent family structure is best for raising kids. Kids get a family structure that will nurture there needs much more efficiently. 1 Commitment at a time only, keeps life simple for all of us.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Absolute rubbish, liar liar. From monkeys to apes to humans, this issue is not an issue, just their fuss to keep their video game going. As a matter of fact, they made a marriage of 9 year old legal in Islam, and are responsible for countless brother and sister marriages over time. Google, people who married their own siblings, and one will find, V2K aliens were doing these marriages all along the history. Among emperors of Egypt, to very well known emperors all over the world. The reason seems to keep the family intact with no outside interference, so they can play there games. For example a week emperor, prone to V2K was kept within a family with no outside in laws, that may lead to a power struggle with the existing emperor.
What happens among humans or several animals, is minor association during early ages, since siblings raise together, this is called Oedipal Complex. Another reason is heat transfer which is natural. This complex naturally goes away as siblings grow up. There is no evidence of in breeding prior to their arrival. If human growth had in breeding early on in their history, there would be no humans today due to negative mutation accumulation. Remember our developmental history is around 7 million years.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/15/2024)
V2K aliens may claim they gave us food, and have taught us what and what not to eat. This is absolute hippocrite, as we have adapted to foods over a long periods of time. All natural development, on any planet, have to adapt to foods. Our DNA and our bodies are adapted to eat certain foods. This happens over a long period of time. For example, lets say, those animals that eat other animals, carnivore, are not a healthy option, as compared to animals that are herbivore. Over time, our bodies have adapted to each the less threatening herbivores, compared to carnivores. As a constant input of herbivores, our bodies have modified, and hence, DNA to lead to carnivore and vegetable consumption. Say for example, eating alligator meat on regular bases, may lead to several parasitic infections. Google, why humans mostly eat herbivore meat. The food selection, is a very time consuming process, both the DNA and, hence, the body needs to modify according to the diet. Therefore, what teaches us to eat, is nature.
I define animals that are edible as follows,
"Any living animal who's "adult" is least aware of his or her surroundings and fails to recognize his or her reflection". In out society with tools, we can look for other harmful ingredients in an animal prior to its consumption.
What this means is those animals or plants that carry a low level of consciousness, that means they are not much aware of their surroundings, are edible, like cows, goats and off course plants. I make sure to look at the consciousness of the "adult" of that animal. So if "adult" is conscious of surroundings and can recognize his or her reflection, then I cannot eat or even harm its "infant". Some of the Animals that fall in this category are,
1) Humans
2) Primates
3) Dolphins
4) Octopus
May be others, do your research...
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Absolute rubbish. Any animal related food that is not cooked properly is not good. If the body temperature of the animal being consumed is similar to us, chances are we maybe sharing parasites with that animal. Pigs are a good source of food, grows rapidly, and since, its stomach is similar to ours, pigs are a source of many many medicinal research, and produce insulin for our consumption. Therefore, Aliens would not have liked the idea that Pigs would be good, as pigs had the potential to become a medicine and research source for us. Religion thrives on illiteracy and that is what they want. Also, pigs never got domesticated for same reason, domestication of an animal makes that animal clean for human consumption. Our records of domestication goes well beyond there presence here. It is likely that Pigs gave disorders that we figured out not to domesticate them. Aliens took this animal and made pigs appear as something that Aliens have done for us, as a positive thing to increase our lives. This is not true, Pigs only recently got domesticated about 8000 years ago, which is not long enough time for them to be cleaned genetically. The decision for not to consume pigs initially in prehistoric times was ours, since, poorly cooked pigs were making us sick. Therefore, aliens took our own data and slammed it back on us.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Religions are by design not good for our progress. Concept of "creation" takes out our motivations to Enquire about our world around us. All major things are kept out of our minds by putting a concept of deity in our minds to keep us from questioning the formation of ourselves and our world around us. By questioning ourselves we can improve our lives and live longer and prosper more and occupy more planets for our growth. We owe it to our old days scientist like Darwin, who stepped out of the box and started thinking about things in more logical manner.
As any religion progresses, it tend to loose strength over time. This happens due to new ideas begin to emerge about our existence, people make subtle changes to the "The Good Word" to make room for development. An example will be, the emergence of protestants out of Catholicism. Or the emergence of more tolerant Shia or Daobandi out of wahabism in Islam. To keep this from happening, V2K Aliens bring about a new "Messenger" to enforce new laws and ideologies so that free thought would not emerge. Another reason why religion looses its strength, is the fact that every religion have a mention of end time. As time progresses, the absence of end time, leads to weakening of the exiting religion, to circumvent this issue a new religion is born that tend to override old one giving a new date of end time. Also, V2K Aliens use the ideology of "Divide and Conquer", by enforcing a new ideology, they can then make people fight over it. Religions are here to divide us, rather then to bring solidarity among people. Some critical differences are kept among religions, that will keep the people following it, for the sake of a eternal after life (Non Existent After Life) fight to spread the correct word. The dilemma that drives us to wars or fights over religion is that "I want to keep my ideology so that my descendents can follow the same ideology to get eternal salvation in the after life". And when is that milk and honey suppose to come? After death, how about that.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
As time progressed, some of us slowly walked away from creation views to more logical scientific views about our world. The world population increased and the prime selected culture began to merge in bigger sections. It was this merger that lead to the development of science and other modern inventions. We have many examples of people getting killed or tortured over liberal ideas about our world and ourselves, this was all the work of V2K Aliens. We are now at a point were we have made a lot of progress in that direction. V2K Aliens are still trying there best to drive us off of this direction. They are short handed and short Arms to make an impact.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
The way I look at Racism is that we can do a little more for those close to us. This keeps the competition among people and that is what that opens door to progress. But in doing so, we cannot harm any human, or intentionally harm any live beings like animals too. It will be important to consider the following points regarding Racism,
1) We all have a common ancestor. So we are all related at some point in time.
2) We are conscious of our surroundings, so every living being deserve respect.
3) A conflict between right and wrong is ok. Its resolution through a war is ok to. If not, wrong will prevail. Consider the following,
Learn to think logically, not emotionally. I personally wrap my life around the following 4 points,
a) Our actions should be to increase our life and others. (Inventions, medicine, precautions, conflict resolution)
b) Our actions should be to make our life better and others. (Inventions, medicine)
c) Our actions should be to have children, and others can have too.
d) Our Actions should be have better or equal children then parents. (DNA Maintenance)
e) Go back to reason (a)
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
I am of firm believe that the V2K Aliens do not live among us. They are doing this remotely. This distance is set due to the time it take for the quantum entanglement to work properly, in more accordance with our thoughts and surroundings. If we are to increase their distance, then the V2K will not work properly. For example, lets say you are walking, and they want you to look in a particular direction to read a billboard, now if there is a huge delay, even more then a half a second the billboard may pass.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
One argument that they capitalize on is that we "Humans" are in their space, rather then V2K Aliens are in our space. Therefore, they are trying to get us out so they can take our planet back. Trust me, as ridiculous as is sounds, they will bring that out, as soon as a person thoughts will move in that direction. The way i define our space is, "Half the distance from our planet to another living planet with intelligence". All asteroids or other objects that come into our space are now ours, and, since we are formed on this solar system, we own the rights to utilize all resources that are part of our solar system and our space or what that enters it in form of asteroids or comets or any other object that might pass.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
This argument have more to do with our people following Islam. As Islam is the most recent major religion. After Islam we have made a lot of progress, and hence, just like other religions, Islam will loose strength too. Any new Messenger (TI) will be very difficult for V2K Aliens to bring about, as we tend to scrutinize more now then we did before. Lets take up the example of enforcement of Lunar Calendar as compared to the Solar calendar which is more precise. I think that was done to keep us from making progress, as its is virtually impossible to do many things if we are to implement this calendar.
1) Days are set by sun, not moon. Our day and night cycle is set by Sun. Our circadian rithyms are set by sun as well, we even sleep according to sun cycles rather then moon.
2) Every year we loose 6 to 10 days since Lunar months are smaller then solar months. This causes the dates to shift around. For example, if you have a meeting setup for the 2nd of the month, you will not be sure about the day until the 1st moon comes. The 1st moon variate over regions and causes a shift in months among different regions of the world.
3) The name of the months in Islamic calendar are based on seasons, but the calendar itself is not. For example "Jamadi us awal" and "Jamadi us Sani" means "Early Summer" and "Late Summer" respectively. This tells us that at some point in time Islamic calendar was based on Solar Cycle, and was later changed.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
This is not true. As cloths were first worn by people living in colder regions were probably the first to come up with the need to cover their bodies due to cold weather. This can be dated back to the times of neantherthals, roughly about 400,0000.00 years ago could be more. This predates any religion around at this time. There is no evidence pointing towards the fact that neanderthals were following any religion at this time. The need to cover was due to cold weather rather then a instruction sent by god. There was no clothing concept in Africa due to hot weather pretty much all year around.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
Not a single word in all books by supposedly messengers regarding how to live your life. For example, Quran or Bible have any mention of Circumcision, yet, they are now playing out drama regarding family matters like how to raise kids. No such mention in Quran or Bible. For example is absence of Father or Mother who should take care of matters of the kids? Not brothers as most Women will be shy to talk to brothers about most matters, therefore, Guardians, that are married is the best option. Our world already have the concept of Guardians that roots back many thousand of years.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
The argument goes, since we "Aliens" were involved in your parent's marriage, like, through religion or involved directly using V2K, now you or all of there children are ours to do what ever we want, supposedly for the sake of humanity. Not so true, why, the concept God is false since, it cannot do all the things it is claimed as doing. For instance, The concept God, or Aliens, cannot bring deceased people back to life, neither is there a heaven, or hell, therefore, a claim on any ones life is not possible. It is not possible, since, the claim that the concept "God" makes, saying that all on earth are my children, is under a false pretext, neither is there a real God, and nor is there an after life, therefore nor are we children to anyone. And neither is religion a healthy concept. Read, "Religions are knife covered with chocolate icing". What tames society is "Selection". From Monkey >>> To Human >>> To Better Human. Better brain circuits, better Memory call backs, Better deterrence from crime, Better organized society. Equally, we are humans, thinking living beings, cannot be claimed as objects by some frustrated captured inside a rock "Aliens", with no objective, no heading out to better places. Earth is a poor choice, we have viruses and bacteria that will kill instantly. We have immunity to them, they don't. Also, no matter how isolated a society is, in which ever environment, their is a transmission leak of Viruses & Bacteria from Mother to Child. This loop keeps the natural, Viral and Bacterial Flora alive, generations after generations. Means, cooking yourself and then consuming all of yourself, will not kill the harmful Viruses & Bacteria. V2K aliens do pose this danger too. Therefore, a handshake is not possible without high high high caution. Only a communication device inside the V2K Alien's stone.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
What if Aliens are to visit, and say that there is a god? Remember to keep things logical, matter and energy. In this case it is possible that the visitors are part of the team that are using V2K to enforce religion to move us backwards. Arriving Aliens will be just a part of people who will come down to enforce themselves, by leaving a team behind to conduct V2K, in support of their claims.
POSTED: () UPDATED: (12/11/2024)
What are the negatives of a false claim of god? How do they manage to become one? Without being able to send anything new to us? By using other functions of Quantum Mechanics. For example,
1) Through birds & other animal movements, bringing two predictable actions together. Flying birds around in a predictable manner. Making other animals to act in certain ways.
2) Application of other body affects to coincide with an external event, like a hiccup or a fart.
3) Shacking of wood to make a ticking sound.
In a world in early stages of development, our ancestors miss understood, what this world is and came up with the idea of a god that created it, instead of coming around through natural means. So we made the concept god, and V2K Aliens fully exploited on it. Maybe in the beginning V2K Aliens were just playing around, but gradually it took the form that we see today. So is the concept God good or bad for us? The Answer is, not just bad, very bad. There is a false hope of after life that makes a person careless, why? No matter what a person will think , he / she or other will be alive afterwards, there is less of a consideration for life of oneself or that of others. Numerous people died in the way of religion, numerous lives lost that otherwise would have contributed towards the human genome, or may have invented something or may have become an example of something.
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